At last the Lord has spoken, through the Constitution Party, and the choice is Chuck Baldwin. The Republicans have rejected the Christian message in selecting their homosexualist anti-family, anti-Christian candidate, and the Democrats did so long ago, but now there is a choice in Chuck Baldwin, who has won the Constitution Party nomination.
With Christian support, Baldwin can easily win Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, and with the will of God behind him can win the election and save America from the wrath of God!
Maybe it is better said that it is God's will that Christians support the true Christian candidate, and that those who vote for Obama/Clinton/McCain will seal their own fate for their defiance of the Lord.
[it is God's will that Christians support the true Christian candidate, and that those who vote for Obama/Clinton/McCain will seal their own fate for their defiance of the Lord.]
That is one HELL of an endorsement...
Vote for Chuck Baldwin or BURN IN HELL!!!!!
Riiiiight, because, we all know, "as 'bama goes, so goes the nation."
"Maybe it is better said that it is God's will that Christians support the true Christian candidate, and that those who vote for Obama/Clinton/McCain will seal their own fate for their defiance of the Lord."
Maybe it's better that O/C/M will have to go to hell, the destruction of our civilization in an unimaginably gory and painful apocalypse is the price we have to pay.
*McCain* is the "homosexualist anti-family, anti-Christian candidate"???
I may have to reconsider not voting for him...
Your god is a lobbyist? Who knew?
Hold on a sec. He can't interfere in the elections, he's not a U.S. citizen
and with the will of God behind him can win the election and save America from the wrath of God!
You imply that god chooses the outcome of the election. You also imply that he punishes us if he doesn't like the outcome. If we are punished, then, we are being punished for no fault of our own but because god has decided the election will turn out a way he doesn't like and, therefore, arbritarily decided to punish us. Your god is either insane or a callous bully. How can you possibly support such a creature, except out of cowardly sycophantism?
God says vote for Churck Baldwin!! What a campaign slogan!
But, considering his party is falsely motivated with their christian founding father philosophy, I can't see he'd get much support outside the fundie circles in which he swims.
Um, thanks, but no thanks. I like to think for myself.
Changing the constitution is perfectly constitutional... Thats why there are amendments.
As much as Chuck Baldwin might be regressive on social policies, he is against using the federal government to force his social views.
He's an anti-war candidate that can appeal to fundies. Wouldn't it be nice to have a significant anti-war faction on both the left and right?
On behalf of Britain, I say "please, please, please split the idiot vote, I beg of you."
wtf is the Constitution Party?
whatever it doesnt matter, we all know whos going to win. or rather, we know itll be one of two people, and Chuck Baldwin sure as fuck isnt one of them, lol
"will of God behind him can win the election"
This is an example of Christians not thinking about their own beliefs. Don't their own beliefs say God gave people free will? So now they want him to subvert the free will of the population to get their guy elected? I fear Democracy doesn't work that way.
@James: On behalf of Georgia, USA, I second that. Let this guy take the fundies, let McCain take the tolerable conservatives, and let Obama take the nation!
@stogoe: My thoughts exactly. Jayne Cobb for president.
Assuming that, hypothetically, Baldwin had won those states, and the others stayed the same, this would have been the result:
Obama: 338 electoral votes
McCain: 149 electoral votes
Baldwin: 51 electoral votes
Now, let's assume that in addition to winning those states, Baldwin took an extra 5 percent from McCain in every other state (a very easy assumption if Baldwin is capable of winning three states outright). If this were the case, Missouri and Montana-- yes, Montana-- would have gone to Obama. The new result:
Obama: 352
McCain: 135
Baldwin: 51
According to LilGeorgiaPeach81, Chuck Baldwin should have been elected President in 2008 with a majority in the electoral college of 9.5 percent. Which, actually, isn't as far-fetched as it might seem, as the Republicans managed to control the Senate with a 41 percent majority for two years.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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