Why do illuminati create *** animal welfare *** organizations for the human cattle? ANSWER here
Prophet Matt's words from 2001: - see latest in Notes
Why do illuminati create animal welfare organizations for the human cattle?
Animal welfare organizations are one of the components of the "humanitarian, NGO & Co" disinfo network, that ranges from Amnesty International / Human Rights Watch to Doctors without Borders and Greenpeace:
Passing truth in plain sight. This ncludes:
1. - illuminati religion's commandment that all cattle (human or not) has the same "rights".
2. - how human cattle is fed with what is produced in animal factories.
Advancing the agenda "exterminate sub-human jews" ncludes:
2. - spread hatred against jews, calling for a "stop to the Sadistic Jewish Ritual Slaughter", while using words association to apply the psy-op technique "black is white": portray victims as butchers.
4. - use it as launching pad for statements such as "animal abuse was a holocaust."
July 2015 - Russell Simmons casted in the latest episode of the fourth type, followed by yet another psy-op technique "Black is not black":
Russell Simmons said he wasn't making a direct comparison between people and animals when he made references to a holocaust and slavery in talking about animal welfare last week.
[link to news.yahoo.com]
To get the theater "HOLOCAUST memoir author was a LIAR and is ordered to repay £13.3 million!":
To get how the illuminati censored the Truth as it took place, start by how they do it NOW.
To what lengths US / EU governments go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz concentration camps and Holocaust: Guido Knopp milestone series from 2000 NEVER again broadcasted and beyond
jewish-holocaust.blogspot. 2012/09/
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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