Massresistance #transphobia
Interestingly, many of the people from other groups were reticent about talking about the larger “transgender” issue. They just wanted to focus on “men in bathrooms.” This has been a problem across the country, especially with the mainstream pro-family movement. They want to be less “confrontational” and also avoid offending the LGBT movement.
But in our experience, that strategy of “moderation” simply doesn’t work. And worse, it avoids the difficult – and necessary – truth. There is no such thing as a transgender person. It is a sad delusion on the part of the individual, who is being manipulated by LGBT activists.
As Arthur Schaper said,
The transgender agenda is about destroying families, and creating a more oppressive and dangerous society. Transgenderism is a disorder, and more members of our team have grown comfortable stressing both aspects of this perverse movement in corporate America as well as from the federal government.