['Tell me, why is it that we don't find the bones of humans laying together with the bones of these dinos?']
Because the scientists interpret the evidence under a confirmation bias. If they found a dino fossil next to a human fossil, they would just sweep it under the rug. I'm sure they've found human and dinosaur bones in the same layers, it just doesn;t make it to published articles.
Actually, go to Christiananswers.net and there have been fossilized human footprints found in the same layers as dino footprints. Since this defies evolutionist assumptions, it is discarded as a hoax or otherwise. When ape bones are found near remains of fire, the assumption is made that these were 'links' who had learned to use fire instead of the more obvious explanation that men were cooking and eating apes. Anything that disagrees with their evolutionist assumptions is discarded or distorted to fit their view. It's not a conspiracy, it's just tunnel vision.
Listen you fundie asstard, that so - called 'human footprint' was just a vague impression that bore a slight resemblence to a human footprint, and it was the only example there was. Don't you think there would have been other footprints nearby, if it was really a footprint? Or did God just come down from heaven and stomp one foot on the ground and then go back up?
Actually, go to Christiananswers.net and there have been fossilized human footprints found in the same layers as dino footprints. Since this defies evolutionist assumptions, it is discarded as a hoax or otherwise.<<
No. __Scientists love to prove each other wrong__.
And if you are referring to the Paluxy River tracks: those were a hoax made in the 1930's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paluxy_River In addition to come forensic work showing that the human prints were carved at that time, we have the confession of the man who sculpted them.
"I'm sure they've found human and dinosaur bones in the same layers, it just doesn;t make it to published articles."
I'm sure you have the IQ of lint.
Well I think that the problem with many fundie-christians is that they don't believe scientists no matter what evidence they present. In their book, rule one: Science is always wrong, bible is always right. Even if it means denying what you see with your own eyes
By this logic, I could claim that absolutely anything is true and that scientists are just hiding it.
"The reason that there's no evidence that Earth was once ruled by a race of magical ponies is that the scientists hid it all! It's true, I'm telling you! Hail Celestia!"
Science is a Conspiracy. Explain how?
I'm so sick of this shit. That the scientific body, community and consensus has to accept fables. Why? It answers or explains nothing.
For the last 150 years we have seen nothing but combined worldwide knowledge leading to an easier, healthier and safer civilization for most everywhere. Society works the best free from religious dictate.
Try to explain why Christianity road tolerant coattails to a free society in the western world yet fails to reproduce this world in Africa? And fails as the western world suceeds UNDER THE VERY SAME GOD AND SECTS.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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