Anonymous Coward #fundie
They didn't come to my bedroom, but I saw them back in 2010. It was in the middle of the woods. I saw a light fly overhead and followed it. I saw it land on top of a hill, and as I made my way up to it, a fear overtook me. I was paralyzed for a moment as I heard the footsteps draw closer. Two beings came to me from either side. They had gray skin and big black eyes that pierced into my soul. I stared into those eyes and I lost consciousness. My next memory is picking myself off the ground. The light was gone and I was alone or so I thought.
I heard a whisper in my ear. The voice spoke about the new age to come. It told me the human race was about to experience a change. It told me the new world order was going to bring peace and understanding to all mankind. I was happy because they told me the aliens would soon come and show us a new way to live. However, I felt fear return. They kept speaking to me.
The voice changed to something dark. It told me such terrible things. It was raspy and full of hatred. It told me my soul would belong to them. It told me to kill myself and join them in another dimension, but I resisted. I laid down in the fetal position as this voice continued to speak. It told me there was no hope and I would burn in everlasting flames. I was so scared and I became hopeless. Time seemed to stand still and I knew there was no escape.
Finally, an idea came to me. I decided to pray to Jesus and I begged him to protect me from this voice. As soon as I did this, the voice changed to something beautiful and angelic. It told me all I had to do was accept Jesus as my lord and savior and he would protect me. I did just that and finally time started moving again. I became a christian that night and gave my life over to Jesus.
I know many won't believe me, but these grays are EVIL. They hate us and want to drag us to the pits of hell. This new world order is the kingdom of Satan manifested on the earth. My advice is to not invite evil into your life, but set your eyes on Jesus Christ, the only one who has power over all the darkness of this world and the one beneath us.
Don't be deceived. The grays are here and they are aligned with Satan. They are the enemy of God and of mankind. They are nothing more than demons and fallen angels. They want to convince us they are aliens who are here to help, but this couldn't be further from the truth.