David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Homeland Security is here to destroy America. They work for the international banking cartel. It may sound bizarre and conspiratorial, but if you do your homeowner you'll find that the offshore banksters (primarily the Rothschilds) are Satan's vehicle for building the New World Order. It makes sense that in this wicked world, where Satan is god according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4, that the wealthiest family in the world is carrying out Satan's diabolical plans to achieve World government and finish was was left undone at the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:7-9). This is not an American takeover; but rather, an alien, globalist, criminal takeover in a hellish direction.
Since 1815 the Rothschilds have been in control of international affairs. They have learned to develop a system of full-spectrum dominance, where they fund all the sides of a conflict (sometimes more than two sides). They fund and create a Hitler (which is evidenced by Congressional records), to then wreck Europe so they can offer the solution to go takeover Europe with martial law after it's been destroyed. This is a global, corporate system that is exempt from law, outside of law, with global diplomatic unity. These are the evil scum behind the homosexualization of America!!!