It takes so much more faith to be an atheist than a Christian.
May God have mercy on the damned. No, the damned deserve their damnation.
Technically speaking, God no longer controls the fate of the damned once they've entered Satan's kingdom. That's the deal; Satan gets banished to Hell, doesn't raise rebellion again until the last trump... and God lets him torture humans, who stole God's love from the angels. (I can't make this stuff up, people!)
So if you'd like mercy for the damned, you're going to have to ask Satan for it.
"It takes so much more faith to be an atheist than a Christian."
No, as an atheist I live my life without faith. I do not rely on supernatural beings nor anything else for which there is no supporting evidence.
"May God have mercy on the damned. No, the damned deserve their damnation."
Assuming for a moment that your God/Jesus/Holy Spirit entity is real, would he/they be proud of your decision not to have mercy?
Being an atheist, a student of the bio-sciences, and really secure in myself.. I wonder how these people can say that life requires faith. I don't have to believe in a sky daddy to get up in the morning or go to work, or to have one to not kill people for nothing. These people are so indoctrinated in their religion that even thinking outside of it is unthinkable.. heh.
It's rather sad, really.
Faith: belief witout evidence
Christianity: Belief in a god that had a son, who was in fact the original god, to sacrifice him to change a rule that it created in the first place.
Atheism: Lack of a belief in a god or gods
Huh. Yup. Looks like you're a fucking moron.
There is no evidence that there is a god, therefore I don't believe in a god.
Faith is believing something without evidence, like for example believing in a god for whom there is no evidence and in the case of the Christian religion whose existence is logically impossible.
If there is no evidence to support the existence of “something”, and belief in that "something" takes utter faith, and not believing in that "something" takes no faith at all, then how does belief in no "something" take more faith than belief in "something"? I’m confused
Actually, what it takes to be an atheist in a heavily theistic world is guts. Faith does not enter into the equation; in fact, I can personally testify that it's remarkably hard to get rid of. Some can live with it, but some people have to eliminate it, just to save their sanity.
"It takes so much more faith to be an atheist than a Christian. "
So we believe more in something you? I always thought the problem you have with us atheists that we DIDN'T believe in something.
Fundies can't make up their minds, it seems. Sheesh.
"Technically speaking, God no longer controls the fate of the damned once they've entered Satan's kingdom. That's the deal; Satan gets banished to Hell, doesn't raise rebellion again until the last trump... and God lets him torture humans, who stole God's love from the angels."
So God lets Satan torture humans because he's worried about Satan rebelling? What kind of wuss is your God anyway?
"(I can't make this stuff up, people!)"
I'm pretty sure you just did.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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