[Ah, so a fertilised egg is not a baby then?]
It's a baby, it just doesn't look like one.
*rolls eyes* Stop redefining words. It's a zygote. When it plants in the uterus, it's an embryo. At around 12ish weeks, it becomes a fetus. Then when it's born, it's a baby. There's no argument to that, it's just... what the words mean.
Fundie Logic:
It doesn't look like a baby... it doesn't smell like a baby... it doesn't feel like a baby.... IT MUST BE A BABY!!
(NB: this also works wonders with the ID theory "hmm, the diversity of life suggests evolution... the fossil records suggest evolution ... our DNA suggests evolution... IT MUCH HAVE BEEN DESIGNED by GAWD!")
I could go into how JIS totally fails at biology, and how "life" does not begin at conception. But I guess he's too ignorant to know that it can take up to six days for an egg to implant in the uterus and begin developing, and that 80% of fertilized eggs do not make it to this stage, and pass out of the body with the period. By fundie logic, every woman who has had more than one period is a serial killer, and since they believe "God" created us, then his design is flawed and "God" is the most proliferant abortionist of all (I'm channeling George Carlin today).
Doesn't taste like one, either.
(And, as a baby-eating atheist, I ought to know.)
Hmm ... what is a baby, but doesn't look like one?
Can other objects be considered virtual babies because they don't resemble the real thing?
How about things that do look like babies? Are they, by Jesusissavior's definition, therefore not really babies? So are babies not babies?
Ah, Christian logic can be so much fun.
Which reminds me: "People say life begins at conception, I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process." --George Carlin
I do wish sometimes the anti-choice brigade would realize that life doesn't begin at conception or immediately after or right before. An already living cell mingles nuclear material then spits and develops until one of its cells mingles nuclear material and splits and develops, etc. Each generation is just a convenient milestone in one continuous process and nowhere in it does life begin at all .
It's a baby, it just doesn't look like one.
Does that mean a Gouda cheese is a baby, too? It doesn't look like one either.
"It's a baby, it just doesn't look like one."
I wonder if this works with other things? Maybe I'll test it by ordering a fancy meal and paying with a dollar. I'll just tell them, "It's a hundred, it just doesn't look like one."
What's huge and purple and lives in the ocean?
Moby Grape.
Sorry. I know this has nothing to do with the issue at hand, but from some reason it came to mind.
The bible says we don't count until we've been out of the womb for a month. Might want to check up on that.
Nah, what the hell does the bible have to do with Christianity.
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