"The family of a gay teenager who was fatally shot in class blames the school district for allowing their son to wear makeup and feminine clothing to school — factors the family claims led to the death"
The parents should have given him a good whippin' and told him to shape up.
If the schools is to blame it's for allowing faggots to attend and recruit.
Y'know what, those did lead to his death. More specifically, it drew the attention of psychos like bobx, here, and they killed him for it.
Why is it that when a straight white man in a Brooks Brothers suit, designer shoes, and a Rolex gets mugged, nobody ever says he brought it on himself by dressing in a way that attracts violent attention?
Just wondering...
Public schools must take everyone, and that is a good thing. And fuck the parents, I guess. They should protect their son. Did they not know he was dressing up in women's clothes? Or did he have to hide it from them?
What bothers me is that the parents evidently either cut the kid loose or he just outright ran away, and seem to be blaming him for his own death. There are no angels here.
Also, bobx has two rather feminist-looking porn models, tit to tit, as an avatar. I wonder if he'd keep that avatar if they found out what a scumbag he is.
So why exactly is it okay for females to wear manly clothing but not okay for males to were womanly clothing?
And why is it excusable to kill someone if you don't like what they did?
I'm glad I'm an atheists; I will never be demented enough to believe 'God' told me to hate, hurt, or kill someone.
If the schools is to blame it's for allowing faggots to attend and recruit
So gays don't have a right to an education? I'd also like to see you produce just one gay person who admits that they were "recruited"
Equal protection under the law, asshole.
Murder is never the victim's fault. If you hold the gun, the knife, the fucking baseball bat, you are the murderer and you are responsible.
And if you can't deal with being in the same room as someone different than you, I have a suggestion. You can be in a room all by yourself, with padded walls and a nice huggy jacket. How'd you like that?
Even though I think that's a bullshit reason for the parents to be mad about, the real problem is that some kid had been indoctrinated to completely hate homosexuals. The school shouldn't be blamed for allowing someone to dress in feminine clothing. Maybe you can hold them responsible for somehow letting a kid with a gun get by, but I think that would be bullshit too.
I think everybody's at fault and they should all get a good whippin'
The kid for being dumb enough to wear girly makeup to a school with hateful kids like that.
The killer for killing the kid.
The school for not doing more to curb hate.
The parents for letting him wear that crap to school.
Cosmic Muffin
It looks like Bob has a Men's Rights website. Only someone with a serious problem with reality would conclude that men need to have their rights asserted or protected.
Not true. Obviously Bob is out of his mind, but men are always screwed in divorce court, have trouble pressing assault charges against women, have trouble getting parental rights if the woman doesn't want to give them to him, etc. There are plenty of places where men need help getting their rights.
The family ought to blame the school district for allowing guns in class.
Dress and make-up is not really the school's business, as long as the students are not naked.
The factors that led to the teenager's death are homophobia, lax gun-control and hatred-of-that-which-is-not-exactly-like-you.
I.e. the blame is ALL on the murderer, not the victim.
It's not "faggots" that recruit, it's homophobes, white supremacists, alt-rights, alternative reality, etc.
Ex-Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura would like a word with you, bobby-boy.
The only 'Faggot' - and a slack-jawed one, at that - is you . [/"Predator"]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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