David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
You cannot protect people from stupidity. The best protection is a proper education, the truth. The problem in America is NOT guns. With proper teaching and training, guns are perfectly safe. The crazed murders at Sandy Hook were drug-related. So also were the theatre shootings in Colorado. Tim McVeigh's military psychiatrist was sharing a hotel room with him prior to the Oklahoma City Bombings in April of 1995. Evidence shows that McVeigh was drugged in a mind-control project, as were the mother and son shooters at Sandy Hook. In other words, these shootings were staged, planned and went beyond the primary perpetrators. These shootings were deliberately orchestrated as a pretext for gun control.
A common psyops tactic used by the globalists is CRISIS + REACTION = SOLUTION. That is, they create the terrorist crisis, then the media propagates the desired response, and then the globalist hi-jacked government suggests their solution (which gives them more money, more control and more power). This is exactly what happened on 911 during the attacks on the Trade Tower Center in New York. The globalists planned, ordered and orchestrated the attacks. The mainstream newsmedia covered it all up, sending truth-seekers on a wild-goose-chase in wrong directions by proving misinformation, cleverly fabricated lies and false reports. Ultimately, the globalists used the 911 attacks to launch their New World Order, accomplishing more than they could have ever imagined as a result.