[The page is "Do liberal teachings cause mental illness?" A liberal chimes in, blaming the rise in mental illness on junk food.]
I agree that is a problem. However, liberals tend to be fatter that conservatives. What one believes and accepts does affect his ability to keep off the extra pounds. So your observation tends to reinforce the likely correlation.
The words, they all mean something individually, but once they are all added up like that...
Aschlafy is a spoofer. Has to be.
"You liberals are so fat, when your beepers go off, people think you're backing up!"
Really, that's your 'argument', condensed to its very essence.
Ok, explain why, according to three different studies:
a)people in the biblical belt are the fattest.
b)Practicing baptists, methodists and pentecostalists are fatter than anybody else because of the food they bring into the "community meals"(lard have mercy anybody?).
c)why European countries are scoring high in terms of healthy eating.
"However, liberals tend to be fatter that conservatives."
Only because a consevative's fat is mostly between the ears where it doesn't show.
Most left-wing activists that I have seen are very skinny.
(By "left-wing", I mean communists and anarchists, not liberals, m'kay.)
And yet who basically owns the creepy, malnourished looking vegan group?
Right, the liberals. But things like observational evidence has never stopped anyone who seriously browses Conservapedia from making dumbass claims.
Liberals: vegetarians, cyclists, joggers.
Conservatives: car owners, meat eaters.
Andrew, is that really the kind of strawman fallacy your argument is reduced to?
Oh, and I can't remember the last time I saw a liberal as fat as this guy:
Oops! Wrong picture...
Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, etc.
I'm sure others have pointed it out already. But the fattest states in the US are all Red, Conservative ones in the South....
Assfly, you really need to do research instead of pulling stuff out of your ass.
All Americans tend to be fatter than Europeans. So fucking what?
They eat too much and don't exercise, and before you generalize and say liberals are fatter than conservatives, I'll point out that the Bible Belt states probably have a larger share of fat asses than anywhere else in the Union. I've seen your mega churches. John Hagee isn't exactly anorexic. Neither's Rush Limbaugh come to think of it.
Yeeeeeah, I don't think so. Equal between the two, I can see perhaps, but yeah, I don't think so, Andy.
" ... liberals tend to be fatter that conservatives."
Oh fuck, it's Opposite Day again? Already? I always forget.
"What one believes and accepts does affect his ability to keep off the extra pounds."
No, the 1/2-pound burgers that conservatives scarf down with a "five pound bag of potatoes" order of french fries along with the jumbo tub 'o soda is what puts on their extra pounds.
Jesus, I've seen some retarded shit from this moron, but this may be his greatest hit. I mean seriously, it's not how many calories a person consumes and burns off that puts on weight, it's his personal beliefs?
What the fucking fuck?
I'm starting to come around to the Andy is the world's most successful Poe theory. No mammal can be this stupid and walk upright.
Sadly. I don't think Andy is a Poe. My guess is that his awful mother had him lobotomized and then filed what was left of his brain with utter insanity. Beatings and ice-water enemas were probably involved. If Raygun hadn't changed the commitment laws, and validated the stupidest craziest 20% of the American electorate, Andy would be in an institution.
Michael Moore is probably the fattest liberal I know. And he probably has a reason to be too, growing up in a shithole he always points out, so getting food is probably a luxury to him.
Most celebrities are liberals, and they don't seem to be very fat...quite the opposite, I believe.
They love to make stuff up don't they?
As others have pointed out, the fattest states are in the conservative south. It's been my experience that liberals tend to eat better and exercise because they figure, even if they're not atheists, it's a pretty good chance this life is all they have and therefore tend to be thinner.
If someone asks me what political allegiances can cause one to become mentally ill, I point them to Conservapedia, particularly the writings of that renowned philosopher Aschlafly. When next I see the questioner I ask him or her if they have their answer. They usually reply in the affirmative.
If the argument were correct and the data were true, obesity would be the cause for illness in liberals, not liberalism.
However, any source will confirm that obesity is significantly more prevalent in southern states and Alaska, which are also strongly leaning towards conservative vote.
Obesity is also strongly and negatively correlated to formal education, which, all else being equal, is higher for liberal voters.
So Andy is, as usual, full of shit.
I'd love to see all the things that Andy believes that are based on fact.
Oh, wait, that's nothing. I can see that anywhere.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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