Davo'sLittleSomething #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Egregore Vs Egregore

The world and reality as people know it, is built around group mindsets. The ruling 'elite' families have seeded ideas that created many egrigore's and they would use them to steer the population in directions that could be controlled and predicted.

Peoples minds are split into two parts and one part is used to stimulate the egregore of their choice, thus effecting the CPU component of the motor cortex. Due to the fact that these group minds have been artificially created, the ruling elite families have always had leverage to move one part of the mind in a direction they would desire.

The plan was to have one of their egregore constructs rule them all by allowing the people to think that their platform choice mind complex was the most solid to believe in. They would then allow the people to fight it out, leaving just one remaining mind complex (religion egregore) so all humans could be converted which in turn would give them full domination of this species. This species actually resembles cloned material with a lot of advanced technology installed into the body frame work.

Then someone came along and created a new egrigore, the human egrigore, which is sort of like a virus to the elite's creations, by high jacking all the other mind complex 'blueprints'. The end result, turning all of those egregore's and their mind complexes inside out by giving people the same tools that were used on them in the first place to enslave them.

To cut an incredibly long story short, it is like an all on all battle and those left standing will be the 'masters of the Universe', indiscriminate to blood lines and rulership installed over the ages and kept occupied with a false medium of energy transfer known as money. With that said, the people with the most magnetic blood will be the ones left standing in tact while other people are left a confused mess as their belief systems are systematically deconstructed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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