Metacrock #fundie

atheism forms these grand sweeping assumptions about all of reality based upon a tiny narrow sliver of sample. They assume there cant' be anything byeond this. They have a tinly little narrow band of the whole, just the part that we an examine first hand and directly. From that the pretend "O there cant' be anything else and there's no other wayt o learn about it, so we have to just pretend this is all there is."

Then they make more sweeping conclusions having never read theology so they vent abuot how they hate religious people and pat themselves on the back and believe they are so much smarter because their idoelogy is based upon a parolor tricks. They have grand ediface of pretense based upon no learning and no understanding and very very scant amount of data.

(1) mateirlism itself pretends to expailn all of reality, both the seen and the unseen

(2) the only way it can even pretend to do that is by cutting off 99% of the pie and saying "this little 1% is all there is. we know this because this is all we could could actually study by our limited method."

(3) They can't show why the universe is here or where it came from.

(4) can't explian concousness excetp by reducting it and pretending they have fathomed all about it because they know one thing, it has to be accessed through the brain. So they just pretend "that's all there is."

(5) they can't deny the 300 studies that show that religion is life trnasforming so they just ask a few limited trivial questions and pretend that they have "refutted" the study methology of 300 studies! 300!!!!! you haven't refutted one!!!

(5) they have no clue about transcendental signifiers. But they use them. they run their ideology by organizing principles but they can't figure out that this proves there must be a grand organizing princple that crates the universe.

(6) Religious experiences conform to the same epistemic criteia by which we judge all aspects of reality, but they totally ignore this fact and pretend it's not there.

after all this they say "there's no proof there's a God."

God is ontoglocally mandated by the power of modal opporaters!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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