Once Hillary steals the election as the electoral college will be threatened and bribed, she will take office and suddenly have a health issue or even die.
The next in line her VP Tim Kaine will step up to the task of POTUS for nearly the entire term.
Tim Kaine's an excellent choice as far as the 'Illuminati' are concerned.
A few points about Tim Kaine.
He's a Jesuit Catholic and is very religiously driven.
He's against abortion and plans to ban it.
His wife is a circuit court judge..
He's against the death penalty and plans to ban it.
He's against the current wars with ISIS.
He's pro background checks and banning of 'assault' weapons.
He's a supporter of the Trans-Pacific partnership. (Basically USA Joining EU).
His background is squeaky clean.
Perfect for the job.
Will confuse everyone.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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