(On the subject of the 2012 French Open men's final, which was suspended by rain)
Djokovic would have clearly won if the umpire did not interfere and suspend play. Nadal was getting demolished -- having lost eight of the last nine games -- and was down a break in the fourth set. Is it possible the umpire who stopped the match is a liberal?
Nadal has to break Djokovic's serve twice in the fourth set to win it. So it seems a fifth set is highly likely, and Djokovic may be able to continue his momentum to win at that point. Will the ump intervene again if it looks like the conservative will win?
"Would have clearly won"? Sorry, Assfly, you're incapable of accurately representing the past, are terrible at describing the present, so what makes you think that we'll believe your magical insight into the future?
And talk about a deteriorating mental state. Everything is a liberal plot to this guy. Absolutely everything. Stubbed his toe? Liberals moved the couch! Bought meat that's gone off? Screw those liberals and their meatpacking meddling! Can't get it up? The liberals are poisoning the water supply!
This makes me what to rename all the good american football/baseball teams after left wing politics (e.g. New York Communists, Miami Liberals), and all the bad teams ater right wing politics (.e.g. Boston Conservatives, Denver Republicans) just to see Andy Schlafly go batshit insane when one of the lefty teams wins.
*I picked the names at random, because I know NOTHING about the skills of various sports teams. So, dont be insulted if you're from Boston or Denver.
Was Andy even watching the same match I was? It was pouring rain and should probably have been called earlier. Yeah, I know, they can go longer on clay in the rain than any other surface, but there were pools of water on the court. Don't get me wrong, Djokovic is a great player, but his momentum came because the water changed the match conditions in his favor.
Finally, Andy you know nothing about Rafa and Novack's political beliefs.
Yes Schlafly, everyone is out to get you and all conservatives.
Now please take your cyanide capsule.
So... an umpire who stops play because of rain is automatically a bleeding heart liberal?
Andy, you really do need serious psychological help. You've totally gone way off the deep end and are clinically insane. Please get the help you need from the men in white coats.
Sporting event suspended due to rain? LIBRUL CONSPIRAMACY!
You've rather a one-track mind, haven't you, Mr. Schlafly?
I was listening to the match and it was BOTH of the players who requested that the match was stopped as they could not see the ball properly through the rain. The umpire upheld this.
So Andy, yet again your bias lets you down. Just give up and go and hide behind Mummy's skirts.
I really wish we'd see an end to the demonization of people with whom we disagree. But if you always equate "those others" with adjectives like "evil," eventually some of your constituents start believing it innately. While stating something enough times doesn't make it true, it can certainly color the opinions of the less critically-inclined.
I'll settle for figuring out what lies behind this persecution complex. Syphilis is MUCH too facile an explanation (especially since, given who his mother was/is and her philosophy, I doubt Andy would be given to sowing wild oats).
I don't understand what being a tennis umpire has to do with politics liberal/conservative......
Oh, so that's where you were going that.
Well, that's stupid.
While a quick bit of research indicates that one is religious and the other is agnostic (the only evidence I can see that might hint at their politics), one is Spanish and the other is Serbian. This would immediately cause me to expect that their political beliefs would not fall on the American spectrum.
It is also true that the supposed "liberal" has won more of the 33 matches they have played against each other.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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