Homosexual bait and switch is a technique used by covert homosexuals in order to convert heterosexuals to homosexuality, or at least, question their heterosexuality. Covert homosexuals will heavily alter their personal appearance in order to disguise their gender. These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender. These homosexuals do a convincing job by utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques. Only when the victim thinks they are in love does the covert homosexual reveal their true identity. At this point, the victim is too emotionally attached to the homosexual to leave them, giving the homosexual the upper-hand. Coercion into a counter-fit same-sex marriage is not uncommon. Even victims that somehow escape a homosexual's grasps usually go through withdrawal which causes some to suffer a homosexual relapse.
The term homosexual bait and switch can also be used to describe other things; such as J.K. Rowling retroactively stating that a popular character, Dumbledore, from the Harry Potter series is homosexual.
J.K. Rowling: Hey, guys, Dumbledore is gay.
Fundamentalist bait and switch is a technique used by covert fundamentalists in order to convert normal people to fundamentalism, or at least, question their personal beliefs. Covert fundamentalists will heavily alter their behavior in order to disguise their agenda. These covert fundamentalists will enter "meaningful" relationships with non-fundamentalists without ever disclosing their own true agenda. These fundamentalists do a convincing job by utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques. Only when the victim thinks they found a friend does the covert fundamentalist reveal their true identity. At this point, the victim is too emotionally attached to the fundamentalist to leave them, giving the fundamentalist the upper-hand. Coercion into a counter-fit religious belief is not uncommon. Even victims that somehow escape a fundamentalist's grasps usually go through misplaced guilt which causes some to suffer a fundamentalist relapse.
oh i see, since a guy marries a woman and realizes they are gay 20 years down the road, that is some sort of trickery.
uh yeah, no one can magically make you gay by revealing they are gay, IT DOESN"T WORK THAT WAY!
Do you assholes even live in the same reality as the rest of us? I've been around gay people my whole life and never once has there been any attempt to convert me or to even make me doubt my sexual orientation.
Fact: Being gay is NOT a choice.
Fact: You cannot change your sexual orientation by choosing to do so. (If you can switch, you're bi)
Fact: You people at Conservapedia are the stupidest fuckers on the Internet.
But but... I thought that homosexuals were all a bunch of fornicators without even an iota of self control, the same as the rest of us "evil liberals"! How is it even possible for them to disguise their gender for a period of time long enough to enter a "meaningful relationship" by your logic?
See, "friend"? You just made the case for sex outside of marriage!
A person who hides their gender from another person and dates them is just dishonest (I don't mean transexuals, though tbh I do think a transexual should be honest and I know of people who have hidden this fact and got hurt down the line). But they are not actively trying to make people gay. Usually when people find out they leave that partner anyway or realise they don't care about their gender anymore and stay.
None of it is about power dominance, fundies seem to be more about power dominance.
Seriously, I don't see how anyone could be tricked into being gay. You either are or you're not. But is this quote stating that gays secretly pretend to be heterosexual in order to seduce other heterosexual people and only then tell them that they're gay? Do they really think that gays are preying on innocent straight people?
OK, I admit it. I'm a male lesbian. My wife turned me into one.
@Doubting Thomas
"Do they really think gays are preying on innocent straight people?"
Where have you been? Every homophobic post on here illustrates that they do think that homosexuals have nothing better to do than to laugh maniacally whilst trying to seduce straight people.
What the hell world do you people live in?
It is a very rare person that can be THAT convincing when impersonating someone of the opposite sex.
Additionally this is a very compelling reason in favor of premarital sex.
Just imagine how this would play out.
"You're a DUDE?!"
"Yes! YES! I was secretly masquarading as a female so I can get no straight men for my quota at the Gay Agenda Ice Cream Social! This month's prize is some delish cinnamon body shave."
"Oh. Well, instead of being grossed out, offended, and humiliated and running out the door spoiling your whole secret, I'll just suck that cock of yours for some reason. Mm baby."
If JKR had had Dumbledore say he was gay in the books, I don't even want to imagine the fallout from fundies. I mean, you're giving her shit for having said it at all.
I don't see any "switching" going on, though. She never said he was straight and then said he was gay. She never set up a character as a woman then revealed the character to be a man. She said that a character whose sexuality didn't matter for all but one of the plot points was, in fact, gay.
Um, yeah, by the time I'm in a "meaningful relationship" there is no doubt about her gender.
If you know what I mean.
But thanks for raising another advantage of premarital sex. Wonder how many christian guys have had a big surpsise on their wedding nights?
Also, I'm not gay but during my ecstasy days we used to hang out at a gay bar because it stayed open until like 10 a.m. the next morning.
Trust me, if a gay guy wants to hook up he doesn't have to "bait and switch" a straight guy. I got hit on a lot, but when I said I wasn't interested they did something you would find strange. They walked away! Often they apologized.
Of course, it's an elaborate ploy, and not that they are people that simply don't fall into your narrow M/F worldview, and need to feel they can trust the person before they reveal their true gender identity rather than blurting it out over the first drinks because, y'know, you can only take someone berating you as a godless freak for just being who you are so many times before you become a little wary in disclosing such information.
Good lord, the ARROGANCE of these people is nauseating.
He seems to be confusing gays and transexuals a lot here.
In all the time I've dated both men and women, I can't say I've ever heard of anyone dressing in drag to purposefully mislead someone they wanted to be in a relationship with. Most modern transexuals don't even do that as a secondary reason for changing genders, because the last thing they want is to have that partner find out and react negatively.
In the past it's happened more, but that was because it was dangerous to be out as trans, not because anyone just wanted to mislead a lover. No one does this shit just to "turn" straight people. Know why? Most of all because it doesn't work, and it's dangerous due to homophobia and transphobia.
As for drag queens/kings (which might be more what he's trying to refer to), they mostly do drag shows, for fun. Drag shows are rarely outside of gay bars and pride parades, so if you're going to a gay bar or pride parade and hook up with a drag queen, what the hell did you expect? When I did drag, it was for fun. Everyone knew exactly who and what I was. If I tried to mislead someone, it was for fun, like dressing up on halloween, I never slept with someone who thought I was a boy in any way.
"powerful mind-control techniques"?
so homosexuals are Jedi? damn, now I want to be one, too
Do you know some people agree with that, the fact that they tend to dribble a lot doesn't effect the statement's validity in their eyes.
On the other hand, most people disagree with that, thinking that the statement's author is some kind of drooling mental patient given to wild outbursts of slobbering insanity. Then you tell them it's from Conservapedia and a rather disconcerting association is formed in their mind.
Hey, your scenario can mean only two things. That the other person wasn´t that heterosexual in the first place, because the dubbing was not very convincing. Or b, that the other person was attracted to the opposite sex anyway, because the other was astute enough in the fancy dressing. Your point?
Wait, "powerful mind-control techniques"?
M. Butterfly was a Chinese government agent, not a homosexual propagandist. Really. It's a kind of rate scenario.
And Albus Dumbledore was the finest headmaster ever to serve at Hogwarts. I do not want to hear any aspersions cast on his name because of his sexuality.
Homosexuals can't "convert" straight people. If you find yourself seriously attracted to a gay guy, you're either gay or bisexual yourself. Sexual orientation is determined either in utero or very early in childhood.
I've had gay friends - very good friends who have even "double-dated" with me and my wife. They knew I was straight. They never made any attempt to "convert" me or any other straight person that I'm aware of.
Sure, a gay guy may inadvertently hit on a straight guy, just as a straight guy may sometimes inadvertently hit on a lesbian - so what? They say "sorry, no", or, if necessary, "I'm not attracted to guys", and that's the end of it.
These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender.
Holy cow! I knew you lunatics were hung up, but dont you even know what your significant other's "down there" is?
I assume this guy is refering to transsexuals.
"Only when the victim thinks they are in love does the covert homosexual reveal their true identity. At this point, the victim is too emotionally attached to the homosexual to leave them"
You know, its not say because said transexual would like to be judged for the person they are and not by thier genitals.
Other than that, I have never seen a gay guy or even a drag queeen trying to "convert" people.
Covert Homosexuals - they spy on straights and report back by gayday to Gaylandia.
Alter their Apperance - They will put on frilly and flowery frocks, wear lipstick and mascara, wear stilletto heels.
Their true Gender - Fundamentalist Clostet cases.
Mind Control Techniques - reading long passages from the Bible about killings and rapes.
The Victim - a heterosexual who is into experimentation in sexual matter, a bisexual, another homosexual who has known the game all along and enjoyed playing it.
Coercion - playing BDSM games
Counter-fit - An ignoramus's version of Counterfeit
Bait and switch - se bdSM games above.
In the name of all that's unholy and sane, how can a character in a fictional story have an existence outside of the story and the author's mind? Whether Dumbledore is gay, a transvestite, a fairy with gossamer wings is far beyond utter irrelevance.
Can it be that there is a certain kind of person who is incapable of separating reality from non-reality? It certainly looks like it.
Would it be going too far to ask if maybe nice Mr. Hitler might have some vacancies in his holiday camps??? Or is it really feasible to re-programmes such idiots back to sanity for the good of humankind.
i wonder how it would be if JKR had said Dumbledore was also a fundamentalist pastor in Arizona.
Utter fabrication on Conservapedia? Say it ain't so!
I have never heard of a single case of this, not even in the batshit insane conservative mouthpiece. Sounds to me like you made it up, which makes me wonder why you're thinking about it so much...
"Covert homosexuals will heavily alter their personal appearance in order to disguise their gender. These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender. These homosexuals do a convincing job by utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques. Only when the victim thinks they are in love does the covert homosexual reveal their true identity."
Or so at least I tried to convince myself the next morning.
Sheesh, Conservapedia has to be the biggest encyclopedia of lies on the planet. They really are just sitting at their computers making up paranoid crap, aren't they?
I refuse to accept that anybody, even the people who write this bollocks, actually believes this stuff is true.
I can only hope this is all true. Life would be ever so much more hilarious if it were.
Aren't you all prohibited from reading Harry Potter anyway? She only said that to piss you guys off because you couldn't affect any more of her books.
Geez, you people really are scared to the bone of this whole homosexual business, aren't you? I wager that if was to question my heterosexuality, that would already mean that I wasn't heterosexual in the first place. If you can be coerced into finding your own gender sexually desirable then the only thing it means that you were a homosexual from the start.
If you can be aroused and attracted to a person of the same sex, even though you're usually attracted to people of the opposite sex, then you are bisexual, not gay.
In which fantasy novel have you read about these "Coercions into counter-fit same-sex marriages"?
Erm, Ms Rowling has said that she ALWAYS percieved Professor Dumbledore as homosexual. That's not "retroactively", really. What does it matter, anyway? My affection for that caracter has nothing to do with his sexuality, but with his extraordinary benevolence and intelligence. Actually, he rather seems to be asexual.
Guess I just don't understand... I do choose... I choose the person. Can't explain exactly what it is but I know I choose the person... and yes, I do understand I am bisexual and ... oh well, I think the phrase has something to do with preaching to the converted! But I never lie about who I am!
From Conservapedia:
1)Conservative principles are based on reason
2)is a clean and concise resource for those seeking the truth
"These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender."
Either you're quite unskilled at finding one's gender, or your "meaningful" relation doesn't involve sexual activities.
What happened to "homosexuals are sex freaks to would fuck anything that moves" ?
You have some crazy fantasies. Trap hentai is not a documentary for how reality works.
The term homosexual bait and switch can also be used to describe other things; such as J.K. Rowling retroactively stating that a popular character, Dumbledore, from the Harry Potter series is homosexual.
Okay, you win, when I heard Dumbledore was gay, I immediately became a flaming homosexual.
Covert homosexuals? Sounds more like you're talking about transgender people, and they can be both homosexual and heterosexual.
I'd say that heterosexuals trying to convert homosexuals into heterosexuality is infinitely more common than the other way around.
If you have a meaningful relationship with a person without noticing that they are the same gender, then you are friends, not lovers.
I'd guess that the shock of finding a completely different set of genitals than you expected would do away with most of the perceived love.
I doubt that the term "homosexual bait and switch" has ever been used by anyone other than Lie-apedia.
Dumbledore had one same-sex crush when he was young. Since then he seems to have been more or less asexual. Besides, he's utterly fictional (not to mention, SPOILER SPOILER, killed in that fiction), så no risk of a real person accidentally finding the wrong genitals in his robes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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