Atheists don't believe the bible and yet they continue to use the 7 day week created by god in the beginning.
Why don't they make a 10 day week...or an 8 day week ? The answer is....they can't. It's been tried before. Man using any other system will screw up his internal clock. It must be 7 days as god said. And it is.
Not only has it been tried before but other numbers of days in the week have been used by many cultures (China, Japan, Java, the Mayas etc.). The seven day week is also found in Hinduism. So, I suppose, No Name is providing us with evidence for the truth of the Vedas, texts about a thousand years older than the Book of Genesis.
Actually lads, Napoleon tried the metric week and it failed.
Ps. I doubt one in a million people has heard of or studied circaseptan rhythms of living systems.
If reality is too hard stick to Darwin.
I know its a bit of a change of topic but I've been known to do that; its not so much Gaytopia leads to destruction as Gaytopia is destruction.
Man+Woman =/= Man+Man.
It's not a slippery slope so much as compared to an actual pit. It's not so much a divided house as two rooms already separated by a chasm. It's not so much multiculturalism doesn't work as it is multiculturalism is an Armageddon.
Of course people can brow beat you with their version of Orwellian. But Eric Blair never called anything Orwellian. It is a posthumous tribute to 'bastards' everywhere that his works are completely co-opted by the very thought police who claim they are champions of freedom.
I'm Phillip-George; force majeure of international bloggery.
but all welcomes run thin, and I'm slowing down with entries. cheers.
The 7 day week is of Babylonian origin, you book-hating nimwit.
And no, many people work on different cycles, because their job demands it.
@No Name:
It must be 7 days as god said. And it is.
That just reminded me of something that bothered me as a child. If God wanted everyone to honor the Sabbath, why didn’t he arrange it so that cows wouldn’t need to be milked on every seventh day? And that domesticated animals wouldn’t need to be fed on that day. That day farmers would really get one day off. (And it would definitely answer the question which day should be honored, Sunday, Saturday or Friday.)
Originally posted by PG-13:
Actually lads, Napoleon tried the metric week and it failed.
I thought that was Robbespierre.
OK, according to Wikipedia, it wasn’t Robbespierre, but the French Republican Calendar was established after the French Revolution and was 12 years later abolished by Napoleon Bonaparte. So close
i'd heard about the French Republican Calendar, but hadn't known it lasted as long as twelve years. i guess it can't have been a complete failure if it went on that long. probably made it a total PITA trying to coordinate anything with anyone outside of France, which might've been why that invasion-happy Corsican abolished it, but...
The seven-day week comes from the old "Sennights of the Moon", an agricultural calendaring system that long antedates the Bible. Quite a few farmers and gardeners still use moon phases for planting, grafting, and harvesting.
Yes, our seven day week was invented by god. Which is why he chose to give half the days names from norse mythology and one of the days will be named after the diety saturn.
Additionally, the romans used an 8 day week until the adoption of the julian calendar.
Honestly, this quote is basically a cart before the horse type fundie.
Hebrew peoples used a combination lunar/solar calendar which is actually pretty good astronomy for a people who used 3 as the value for pi (the egyptians, greeks and bablyonians were all much more precise)
A luni-solar calendar is likely to have 12 months instead of a true lunar 13. However, tracking the moons 28 day cycle is equally important to this kind of calendar so you end up with divisions within months that track to roughly how long it takes the moon to change phase.
The calendar is probably already well established when the bronze age creation myth of genisis 1:1 is put to paper. The calendar influenced the biblical story, not the other way around....
Yahoo! answers is such a cauldron of dumb... sigh.
Sun's day
Moon's day
Tiu's Day (Old English spelling of Tyr, the Norse god of war.)
Woden's day
Thor's Day
Freya's Day
Saturn's Day.
Yeah, gotta love how Christian Those Norse and Roman Gods are.
France tried in 1789 because they were absolutely mad at the Church for... well... being royalists and scammers
10 days weeks, 30 day months, 1789 is year 0 and whatever they came up with for swing days. Didn't last long because there was only one day of leave (yes, really)
But seriously, a week is 7 days. The church didn't really come up with it by themselves, Romans were the first out of many (With the Julian Calendar) and the Church just adapted it to make it somewhat more convenient (Gregorian Calendar)
Seven days is approximately 1/4 of a lunar month. The Bible simply invented a religious explanation for what was already a common practice in the ancient Middle East, just as it invented excuses for why God doesn't help us more and why humans seem to have more trouble than other mammals giving birth (He's pissed at Adam and Eve for eating His Magic Fruit.
Seven days is approximately 1/4 of a lunar month, God doesn't help us because He doesn't exist, and a woman has trouble giving birth because our brains have evolved faster than the opening in her pelvis.
"Man using any other system will screw up his internal clock."
I've never lived anything other than a "normal" life, so obviously everyone else is either just like me or a horrible outcast from society.
The ancient Romans used the Nundinal week - more than seven days! It was the pagan Emperor Constantine that established the 7 day week. (He became a Christian only on his deathbed. Harldy surprising as he murdered his wife Faustina, and his son, Crispus). A true Christian at the end, no doubt.
Seriously, No name is attributing the 7 day week to god? Explain to be how arbitrary blocks of days needed divine intervention to create rather than simply being human in origin?
That and the whole 7 day per week thing, doesn't fit the length of any month but leap year February, and the 365.25 day year is equally divisible by 7 either, it would have to be 364 days. Lets not forget that the seasons don't line up with months either, nor are there properly 24 hours in a day (its actually 23 hours, 56 mins, 4.1 seconds).
Its almost like our system of time is based on events that have no reason to line up in nice neat slot with each other and is entirely arbitrary (the rotation of the earth has no dependency on the amount of time it takes for the earth to rotate around the sun, nor does it have anything to do with the religious significance of the number 7 in bronze age middle and near eastern cultures).
Did the Bible also teach people breathing and having sex as well? I mean, how could we possibly know how to "go forth and multiply" if the Bible didn't tell us to do so?
In reality, though, like breathing and having sex, people were using a 7 day calendar long before the Bible was ever written. Why? It's an agricultural thing. Just like your "traditional family" is based off of the Industrial Revolution and Victorian England. Basically, you steal ideas from other people and then retroactively claim them as your own.
Why do Christians continue to use the names of pagan gods for the days of the week?
Sunday = Sun's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Solis)
Monday = Moon's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Lunae)
Tuesday = Tyr's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Martis or Day of Mars)
Wednesday = Woden's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Mercurii)
Thursday = Thor's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Iovis)
Friday = Freya's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Veneris)
Saturday = Saturn's Day (derived from the Latin Dies Saturni)
Akshuli, the 7 day week was invented by the Babylonians as a quarter of a lunation, ie a month. The Romans had an 8 day week and managed fairly well to get things done. They didn't screw up their internal clocks because one's internal clock is affected by sunlight and other external phenomena, not concepts such as "weeks".
Also, Christians don't believe in the pagan gods and yet they continue to use the name Tuesday, Wednesday, etc, and in Latin countries, Mars' Day, Mercury's Day etc.
@ alencon 1555196
It actually makes more sense if Saturday is Surtur's Day though that is not accepted
And Monday, I think, is Mona's Day (still moon) from the Old English.
The French use, beginning Monday; Lundi (Moon again), Mardi (Mars), Mercredi (Mercury?), Jeudi (Jove), Vendredi (Venus), Samedi (day of the Sabbath) and Dimanche (supposedly Day of the Lord, Dies Domini though Manche is more often derived from hand)
While the month in the Bible is a lunar month, but the year is a combination of the lunar and solar calendars. While Islam uses a strictly lunar calendar, the Bible requires Passover to take place in the spring (Deuteronomy 16:1), so calculation of how the year is constructed follows from there.
Once again, we see that PG13 the Perpetual Troll of "International Bloggery" (but does he even have a blog?) doesn't have a fucking clue what he's actually talking about. Tell us again, Phil-G, what's the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
It is significant that there are only seven objects visible to human eyes that move in the sky independently from the stars (Sun, Moon, and five planets). It is understandable that early stone age peoples (if not earlier) would think these were gods.
If there is an all-knowing god, why didn't it make a nine day week to include Uranus and Neptune? Early peoples would easily understand if a god had said that the stars are like the sun but very far away.
the 7 day week created by god in the beginning
So you worship Enki, the Sumerian god of wisdom, culture, and creation, right? He created the Sumerian 7-day week. No doubt you celebrate both Christmas and New Year, which take place under Enki's emblem, Capricorn the Goat-Fish. You pagan you!
I'll be working out a resize image script before too much longer, click and see full size, just need to figure out how to cram it into what I have.
Attack of the raging loser. Who totally has a life, which is why he spends all his time here.
Though he was probably just upset I'd killed one of his favorite ways to spam, so now he's flailing like a upset child to prove I can't stop him. Which isn't true, I could stop him cold by killing anon comments and then just deleting every account he posts under. The only reason I've been dealing with him is it's made for an educational opporunity in dealing with spam with minimal impact on the community.
Using my massive technical prowess, and a search bar, I've found he's using some ancient proxy service. Isn't that nice.
The same seven day week with days named after Norse gods?
Oh, and PG-I heard "I'm Phillip-George; force majeure of copious wargrbl".
That is very true!
FWIW, blocking tor would block about half of my comments. not that i'd blame you for doing it, nor for blocking anonymouses like myself either; whatever you feel is needed.
what i can't really figure out is why, now that there is tor, anybody would use any proxy service other than tor. what other proxy is reliably anonymous by design?
Distind, It's worth noting that this spammer reminds everyone poorly that there is militant opposition to what people are doing here!
It seems to me, a very rational fundamentalist conservative right wing Christian with standard word usage from old dictionaries that the spammer's one enduring message is this place is wrong. He has a right to say that.
You have a right to be disturbed by his belligerence, recalcitrance, reactionary stand.
Ps @ Madman Johnson . With the only person here, to mention natural philosophy, natural law, by virtue of reference to the word circaseptan I not only added the most serious comment on the page I default win the argument.
Picture moose antlers and Nah Nah Nah Nah while blowing a raspberry. I win, I win, I win. {King of the Castle etc etc]
Moose will appreciate those antlers to the ears. It's his enduring pose.
You ARE disturbed, Philip-G. It figures you'd side with a guy who posts pictures of shit. I love how you pretend to be so intellectual, but you're actually just a pseudo-intellectual moron. If these guys were as narrow-minded as you seem to think they are, they'd never actually have let a hateful asshole like you become a member. Think about that for a while, you sexist, homophobic, anti-Semetic neo-Nazi shithead.
Hey Atheist....
I just met you,
And this is crazy,
welcome to hell,
Bend over maybe!
The Devil. :D
"Ps @ Madman Johnson . With the only person here, to mention natural philosophy, natural law, by virtue of reference to the word circaseptan I not only added the most serious comment on the page I default win the argument."
seriously PG?
Did you really just say that using a big word made your comment the most serious here? I'm not sure I could find a comment that better demonstrates that you're an arrogant dumbass. Using big words doesn't make you smart. You have to say something intelligent with them.
also I'm not sure that is even a real word
"Ps @ Madman Johnson . With the only person here, to mention natural philosophy, natural law, by virtue of reference to the word circaseptan I not only added the most serious comment on the page I default win the argument."
By that logic, all you need to win an argument is a thesaurus. In case you were wondering, it's likely this mentality which is causing you to receive such vituperation from the rest of us.
PG-13’s problem is that he more often than not uses “big words” and gets their meaning wrong.
Oh, my mistake. Of course he doesn’t get them wrong, he uses some “fuzzy logic” to come to “loose definitions” that these words not usually have.
But I admit, in this case he seems to have it right. Maybe he can educate us further and give us links to some peer reviewed papers about circaseptan rhythms of living systems?
Derpindots, lol. My youngest was singing that yesterday so I thought I'd post it - I figured anonemoose or someone else might dig it. ;)
Kidding and teasing aside, we know that in hell, the atheist's bottom will be a seething cauldron, and the devil won't ask anyone 'kindly' - you will be his bitch for eternity. :(
His4Life is an atheist troll trying to make Christians look like buffoons.
I don't know what this PG character is, other than a stupid and oh-so-BORING attention whore.
We should try to get H4L and PG to bitch at each other, I'd pay to watch that go down.
But in all honesty I find H4L to be the more fun of the two, PG just foams at the mouth and occasionally says something that he thinks is intelligent.
Actually PG13, i'd just like to respond to a comment you made on page 1 about Napoleon trying the metric week.
That wasn't Napoleon. When the decimal week was introduced, Napoleon was still just a general in the republican army. Napoleon actually abolished the tenday week when he became emperor.
Besides, the introduction of the tenday didn't really have much to do with attacking christianity, and was more to do with nostalgia for the Roman Republic, which was common in enlightenment thinking.
Sometimes it seems like you actually know a little bit of history and could almost be interesting, but then you get it wrong on many key facts that I can only conclude that you don't actually know very much about The French Republic or Napoleon at all.
Forget hours, minutes, and seconds.
We should all reckon time in Planck time units.
One day = 1.603 x 1048 tP
Seriously, His4Life, have you spoken to anyone about your obvious anal fixation? Maybe you just need to find someone willing to plow your back 40, ease a bit of tension. Seems like it's release a bit of the tension you're holding onto...
@ NotAFundie:
No. It really is as stupid as it seems.
As I said earlier, the Mesoamericans got along fine for centuries without a seven-day week. Their system of time-keeping didn't fail; they were forced to adopt the seven-day week because they were invaded by people who used a seven-day week.
A lot of cultures initially did not have a seven day week, but were later forced to adopt it because of European-Christian imperialism. They were forced to abandon the time-keeping systems that had served them for centuries, but that doesn't mean that the systems themselves failed.
You mean the 7 day week that existed long before the bible?
Also look up what those 7 days are named after.
Do you believe in Thor by any chance?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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