supersport #fundie
After debating Satan for several months I’ve come to some conclusions. And my conclusions come with a heavy heart. I have always believed in a world where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. I’ve always believed that good will prevail over evil.
But the more I debate here, the more I’m begining to realize there’s a wicked undercurrent I’m swimming against. There’s a ferocious enemy lurking below the surface that I cant quite put my finger on. And I’m realizing that I cannot overcome what I do not understand. And it’s not merely a non-belief in God or a happy-go-lucky free-thinker individual that I’m up against..—it’s a much more sinister entity than the innocent disbelief that’s portrayed here.
Unlike Christ, who sacrificed himself for others’ everlasting life, Satan -- like the piece of garbage that he is -- sacrifices other people for everlasting death. And unlike the Bible, which says human beings are made in the image of God, Satan says we are made in the image of of him -- a carnal beast, and our lives should procede according to his particular appetite -- where savagery, murder, rape and death is natural and to be expected and promoted. Meanwhile life and love and worship of God should be eliminated.
How can one debate this mindset? I’m finding that I can’t do it.
And the weird thing is, I’m not at all convinced that Satan actually believes in the sorry theory he so eagerly promotes. He doesn’t necessarily believe in random mutations – he doesn’t have any real faith in Natural Selection – and he doesn’t truly believe in adaptive radiation. (When’s the last time Satan made a post on here PROMOTING the validity of these things?).—.instead these are merely his tools that are being used to decieve and convince others.
Ulimately, Satan believes in anything that will point others away from the notion that God Created the world. Truth is not what his goal is – his goal is deception. And he will use any tool of deception that will steer people away from Christ. He’s obsessed with making people lose their faith because he loves the notion that people will be spending their eternities with him as a melted corpse, scorched inside his torture chamber down in hell. This is why Satan invades so many Christian forums with vigor – simply to throw a wrecking ball into people’s spiritual lives. There is no other explanation!