[This is the fifth comment in a discussion thread kicked off by reference to Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis:]
Frankly, I have trouble believing any Atheistic Propaganda writings. I just don't know for sure if they are really telling the truth like it is or simply pushing their agenda to win arguments. Since it's impossible to know if what they're saying about the past is true because of the way history distorts things I conclude that they must be lying for the advancement of their cause.
LOLz. He thinks "Mere Christianity" is an "atheist propaganda" piece? And he just assumes that atheists are lying to score points for their side, when, in all honesty, it is more common, and more within the realm of common sense, to assume that such distortion occurs within the Christian camp to justify their own views on what constitutes reality.
Oh well...mirror mirror fail.
Yeah, that damn agenda of uncovering the truth to the universe, damn it. Isn't it awesome that Christians don't have any such agenda? Nah, they're just happy to convert everyone, no agenda there ;)
Wait, we have an agenda now? Why wasn't I informed of this? I guess I really should start attending those monthly meetings we hold in our secret underground atheist palace.
Isn't "Mere Christianity" a pro-Christian book?
C.S Lewis was a CHRISTIAN!
How do you not know that?
Everybody knows that!
I should beat you about the head with my Narnia box set.
"Since it's impossible to know if what they're saying about the past is true because of the way history distorts things I conclude that they must be lying for the advancement of their cause."
Wait, what? I think that translates as:-
"Since I don't know whether it's true or false it must be false."
@ Mortok
Seriously. Lewis didn't even try to hide the Christian symbolism in the Narnia books. It's incredibly obvious.
Oh, and from Amazon.com:
The late Lewis, Oxford professor, scholar, author, and Christian apologist, presents the listener with a case for orthodox Christianity. This is definitely not the shouting, stomping, sweating, spitting televangelist fare so often parodied; Lewis employs logical arguments that are eloquently expressed. He describes those doctrines that the four major denominations in Britain (Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic) would have in common, e.g., original sin, the transcendent Creator God, and the divinity of Jesus as well as his atonement and bodily resurrection.
Lewis argues for a return to the basic tenets of Christianity, as opposed to the endless stream of denominations we have today who bicker over unimportant doctrines and practices. If it weren't for the fact that Lewis had a brain, he'd make a decent fundie hero.
So, because you have no evidence, you have decided they're lying. That's good judgement, for sure.
P.S. We know you've never read the book.
Let me clear something up, folks: As far as I can tell, in referring to "Atheist Propaganda," this guy is NOT referring to Mere Christianity . If you check the thread, it appears that he is referring to the writings of biblical scholars referenced by another commenter. The thread STARTED with discussion of the C.S. Lewis book, as my intro states, but it did develop and branch out a bit.
EDIT: CT pointed out my error. Sheesh, and I thought he was fundie when I thought all he was doing was automatically calling objective historical biblical scholarship "Atheist Propaganda."
~David D.G.
Um, the title of the book you're talking about is "Mere Christianity." That in and of itself should tell you how wrong you are in thinking that it's "Atheistic Propaganda." After all, Christianity =/= Atheism.
Trying to win arguments?
Those crazy atheists!
"I just don't know for sure if they are really telling the truth like it is or simply pushing their agenda to win arguments."
Just look it up in a library. Of course fudies and libraries mix like vampires and swimming pools filled with holy water . . .
Good grief, you're right! I didn't notice the "replied to" bit in the heading, and his post directly follows the one by the guy quoting biblical scholars. So this post is even fundier than I first thought!
~David D.G.
Says the man who uses a 2000 year old book as his guideline for reality.
And C.S. Lewis was a Christian, dumbass.
I just don't know for sure if they are really telling the truth like it is or simply pushing their agenda to win arguments. Since it's impossible to know if what they're saying about the past is true because of the way history distorts things I conclude that they must be lying for the advancement of their cause.
Does anyone have a jump cable for an irony meter? Mine just stalled.
Well that just seems like the smartest conclusion ever! I mean, because "history distorts things," CLEARLY the arguments that extend from the past are falsified to promote an agenda. Now that's just plain old fashioned common sense right there...
Why do you think it is up to you to determine whether they are reallying telling the truth or not? Who are you to judge another mans motives?
You're not important enough for that. You don't matter and neither does your opinion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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