A recent TV episode of Untold Stories Of The ER (Emergency room) told the true account of a big, burly, tough, man who came into the emergency room with a 4" vibrator unit stuck up his rectum. The batteries were still going. The man was so embarrassed that he refused to sign anything or provide insurance information to the hospital. So he paid around $12,000 cash for medical help. What is the world becoming? There is something perverted and wrong about sex toys. God didn't intend for married couples to get into that kind of junk in my opinion. One perversion usually leads to another.
Another man in the news, a homosexual, had a so-called gay-lover shove a plastic male organ up his rectum (I'm trying to be discreet here). The man's intestines ruptured and he needed surgery to repair the damage. Unfortunately for the man, the fecal contaminating in his body required extensive care and prolonged medical treatment, delaying his surgery for a month. It's no coincidence that along with the fraudulent and perverted sex education program in public schools, that adults today are sex-perverts. Just like the fraudulent War On Drugs, intended as a means of increasing drug trafficking and protecting the evil racket; so also was sex-education started as a means of perverting children's lives, removing all innocence from youth and even handing them free condemns in full expectation of them committing fornication. Philadelphia Schools Install 22 Condom Dispensers To Combat Epidemic of Teens With STD's. Instead of teaching proper courtship, they teach immoral dating (whoring around).
Do you think it is mere coincidence that all these immoral agendas are being pushed on our children? Not on your life. It was Communist monster Vladimir Lenin who said that the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. And so it is today in America. Youth who are devoid of morals don't oppose criminals in government, they support them. Joseph Stalin was a murderous killer, a monster, who from 1920-1950 murdered an estimated 60,000,000 innocent people. And yet the Russian people loved Stalin up until the very end of his life. All the lying propaganda worked. It's the same in America today. In a frightening repeat of history, present Barack Obama shares striking similarities with Joseph Stalin, primarily that of LYING CONTINUALLY TO THE PEOPLE.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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