TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy
Now that Germanwings Plane Confirmed Hi jacking--Why ZERO Media-Speculation Plane's destination = CERN 100 miles North? Videos
Just a couple of things before we start:
Edited 3-26-2015
Minor re-write as more info comes forward about this tragedy involving the Germanwings plane and the death of 150 people. My condolences to all those who lost their lives and the agony for friends and family. We OWE IT TO THEM to be sure that the truth is told about this, even if certain "monied interests" who don't want to be named disagree.
WE are NOT getting the truth with the media blaming Pilot Lubitz!
Also...I have several people telling me that I'm getting too paranoid about CERN being involved in this "somehow." You don't find it ODD that with the planes trajectory taking it this close to the facility that it couldn't be a factor? Why aren't we even seeing any minor speculation. They aren't even going near it and are tip-toeing around the possibility!
If a plane crashed with 150 people on board and it was reported by EYE WITNESSES as smoking and sounds of an explosion before it hits ground and it crashed anywhere NEAR the Hover Dam, for example, there would be instant "connect-the-dots" that this plane was carrying an incendiary device like the 911 attacks. Nobody would find THAT "paranoid!"
But it crashes near CERN...and there isn't word ONE about that connection. I find that very odd.
First, off, I want to say my deepest condolences to the families of those involved in Tuesday's crash of the Germanwings plane. I'm only putting this out there as a possibility because I haven't seen it mentioned yet. There is NO evidence so far to confirm this scenario, but I'm just connecting- the-dots. What other "high-profile" target within 200 miles of that crash would there be for a target if it was a suicide mission by SOMEONE on-board that plane (NOT the pilot!)?
As of this A.M. 3-26-2015...they are blaming this whole crash on the pilot of the plane. Well...listen to Daboo777's video below. He's explaining EYE WITNESS testimony in France that the plane was coming down out of the sky SMOKING and then blew-up BEFORE it hit the ground. This is not consistent with a psycho pilot who loses-it and crashes the plane in suicide.
Folks the story blaming the PILOT is a cover. If you allow them to smear the name of this brave young man (which is even endangering the lives of his surviving family members) are allowing them to bury the story that probably involves an attempt to deliver an incendiary device to the CERN facility. I'll repeat this...the plane MAY HAVE HAD an incendiary device and this was NOT a suicide.
[link to]
Was WAS just watching a Pastor's video about his thoughts on the crash, when he mentioned how very close the plane crash was to CERN and put up this map. It's LESS than 200 miles--in terms of air flight time that is only MINUTES away! Listen to what Daboo777 has to say about this!
I'm just going to put this out there because...Hey... Hi-jackers did this kind of crash during 911...and the CERN LHC Collider is less than 200 miles in a straight line from the crash site. If the pilots had gotten wind of the explosive on the plane at the last minute they may have had differing opinions on how to handle the emergency. The pilot "locked out" may have wanted to proceed to Geneva to land, hoping they'd have enough time to get everyone off the plane...the pilot who locked-out the other man may have decided they could not risk landing a plane risking even more lives, and had hoped to find a crash place in the mountains that was survivable. Panic was most likely involved in what ever the decisions ere--I just don't believe they have enough credible evidence to blame the young pilot. Just "my take."