[Could someone who agrees that President Obama has mismanaged this oil spill give a brief list of what he could have done in order to win your approval and better handle this crisis?]
A brief list consisting of two items. I can't claim credit for the first, as it comes from another blog. He could jam the nearly 53,000,000 dead American preborns into the opening of the gushing oil pipe. (Yes, 53,000,000 folks, during the Carter administration, Planned Parenthood started taking so much flak for the startling number of abortions performed so soon after Roe V Wade that for a while they only reported about 1 in 3 abortions)
And second, he could just resign.
Wait, you would actually approve of him authorizing the oil leak to be plugged with human foetuses?
Wow, you are one sick puppy!
So now abortion prevents oil spills? I thought you guys were trying to reduce abortions? If so you're seriously undercutting your position.
As for resigning, great plan: take a country that's trying to deal rapidly with an ecological disaster, and hit it with a leadership crisis as well! After all, it's been shown numerous times that confusion and disorder among those in authority has not negative impact on anything, ever, and people who have complicated tasks dropped on them by surprise are always better at them than anyone else.
Does he really think that if abortion was outlawed it wouldnt happen anymore? Women would just get unsafe abortions, leading to even more dead people.
Also, Obama is clearly to blame for Roe v Wade.
So you admit you're not complaining because he did anything wrong, you're complaining because he's Obama.
Ergo, your opinion is summarily dismissed. Good day.
I can't claim credit for the first, as it comes from another blog.
It's not that you don't want the credit, it's that you don't want the blame for having such a stupid idea.
He could jam the nearly 53,000,000 dead American preborns into the opening of the gushing oil pipe.
In what alternate universe does that make any sense at all? I mean I know you guys like to bring either abortion or homosexuality into every topic, but that's a very weird way to do it. All I can say is
Yes, 53,000,000 folks, during the Carter administration, Planned Parenthood started taking so much flak for the startling number of abortions performed so soon after Roe V Wade that for a while they only reported about 1 in 3 abortions
[citation needed]
And second, he could just resign
And leave Joe Biden in charge? Not only that, but it would throw unnecessary chaos into the situation. How would that help the situation at all?
That's so funny. You say that Obama mismanaged the oil spill and now you're howling for blood.
Look at all of the things Bush mismanaged, yet you all still want to blow him.
And, I may be naive, but I fail to see how overseeing a shady oil company is the president's job.
Lastly, assholes, when I want to plug things up with aborted fetuses, you guys get all upset. It's perfectly fine for you guys to do it over the oil spill. Screw you guys!
#1166762: GigaGuess
That's all that those people ever do, really. Check these out
Those stupid idiots don't seem to realize that a bunch of the complaints they have against Obama apply to Bush as well: "supporting infanticide"? What did Bush do against that?
Their own God had no problem with killing babies, for fuck's sake!
"destroying the constitution"? Again, look to Bush's Patriot Act and his "faith based initiatives".
First solution, yes, they tried that, it's called junk-shot (which, surprise, doesn't work).
Second, that's not exactly solving a problem.
And even if this numbers would be correct, it wouldn't help one bit. So you just showed us, that you don't have any constructive ideas, but are against everything! This is quite a helpful attitude, you know?
But why talk about one of the greatest environment disasters in recent history when you can lash out with enormous bullsh-- against teh ebil librulz!
Praying the problem away didn't work then, eh? What a surprise.
Need it be said that "preborns" is not a recognized category of US citizen?
Like all abortion clinics have stuffed all the aborted fetuses in their freezers since 1973...
What an idiot to try to tie abortion into the gulf oil spill. I swear they try to shoehorn abortion into every single debate they can.
And frankly, with the world as overpopulated as it is today, I'm glad there are 53 million less humans running around.
"He could jam the nearly 53,000,000 dead American preborns into the opening of the gushing oil pipe."
Is that a recipe for baby oil?
"Which do you prefer, yellow mustard or brown?"
"If it weren't for abortion we wouldn't have to confront these situations."
All he's done is slag off the British. After all, we're the U.S. Government; gott have our scapegoats, take the heat off ourselves, know what I'm saying?
Firstly, I don't think just jamming foetuses into the hole terribly feasible, secondly, they'd be eaten and otherwise decompose until the well just opens up again.
Thirdly, what the christing fuck? Seriously, what the cunting hell are you talking about.
Oh, it doesn't surprise me, but this is one of the few that states it so bluntly, even if it's rather accidentally so.
> He could jam [...] preborns into the opening of the gushing oil pipe. And second, he could just resign.
I have a few suggestions on how to improve your public image. The most obvious suggestion involves fire, and you dying in it. But I won't suggest that, because unlike you, I know the meaning of the phrase "constructive criticism" . You have obviously never heard of this phrase, so I suggest you learn up on this subject and come back. Then we can start to debate like grown-ups.
I believe the question was;
to paraphrase;
How the hell is Bush administrations destruction of safegaurds and Halliburtons (Cheney and Bush Inc) fuck up Obamas fault?
When was the last time congress fixed a oil leak? When they capped the oil wells they blew up
I find it fucking amazing that the same people that just a few months ago were screaming that government should just let big business handle everything without interference are now screaming that government should have shoved BP aside sooner.
Why the fuck should anyone but the so-called experts at BP have had the first shot at stemming the oil flow?
I guess Obama's big problem is he doesn't have a crystal ball to look into and see the future or he would have known BP was going to screw the pooch.
Since the vast majority of the "preborns" you're referring to would only have been microscopic speck-sized of clusters of cells, even fifty three million of them wouldn't come close to plugging up that hole.
Further proof, as if we needed any, that you anti-abortion idiots have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about.
That's terrible, and later on the next page, wondering1 from the forum will express her disgust on how and why you would bring up aborted fetuses into this discussion.
To FSTDT: Some of the CF members further down the forum do express some liberal political beliefs namely Bush's deregulation of buisness as part of the culprit to this disaster.
Stuffing aborted fetuses into pipes to help stem an ecological disaster? Now THERE'S an idea!
Btw, Bush had 8 years to ban abortions. And he didn't. Maybe Republican candidates don't care about it as much as you do, or maybe, just maybe, the President doesn't have that much power.
What I want to know (besides where the hell the 53 million figure came from) is who decided Obama had to "do" anything. Does he look like an engineer to you? (Actually, he does look a lot like somebody I know who's studying engineering, but that's neither here nor there.)
53 million legal abortions...that's about right for the past 34 years including those of the Carter Presidency. That works out to about 1.5 million per year which is about what it is from year to year and has not varied a great deal since.
An interesting thought here is that after the Row v Wade decision, there was no sudden drop in the number of babies being born in the US. From this, one could reasonably assume that when abortions were illegal, there were probably the same 1.5 million abortions yearly being performed illegally...each and every of those women involved, as well as their abortionists were criminals subject to severe penalties including prison time. Many of these women paid the ultimate price by dying at the hands of an untrained abortionist, IIRC these usually numbered between 15,000 to 30,000 yearly. That, in itself, is enough to justify legalized abortion regardless of ideology.
But these anti-abortionists will continue to be impressed by large numbers and will also continue to make up horror stories about vast amounts of dead foetuses piling up somewhere.
On another blog, I encountered a commenter who averred that he personally knew of an abortion clinic near to his home that did 15,000 abortions daily. He even said that he had visited the clinic after hours and counted their little corpses heartlessly tossed into a dumpster behind the clinic.
When I pointed out to him the impossibility of such numbers (works out to more than 5 million abortions yearly for that one clinic), he backed off and adjusted his numbers to about 8,000 per year. And then I pointed out to him that dumpsters at non-residential sites are usually picked up daily and medical waste is never permitted, therefore he would not have been able to count ANY foetal corpses there. It was then that he left that forum and I never saw him again.
These people think that just because they will believe anything their pastor or priest shoves at them, that everyone else will believe their own "clever" lies. It is enough to disgust anyone with a brain and is sufficient reason to dismiss them and their statements peremptorily.
If jamming the pipe full of drilling mud didn't stop it, how would 53,000,000 fetuses stop it? Besides, how would the President stop abortions? He can't amend the Constitution. Conservative Republicans held the White House for 20 out of 36 years since Roe v. Wade. Did they stop it? Do you think if Obama resigned, Joe Biden would do a better job of containing the oil spill? Have any Republicans come up with a better plan? No. They're keeping their mouths shut and letting Obama try to deal with it, because they figure they can get some political mileage out of the whole disaster.
Wait, if those babies were aborted during the Carter administration, how is he doing to do that?, with a time maschine or what?. And yes, let's not forget it, you're against abortion, right?
That's funny, because if they only reported one in three, why do you know that they only reported one in three. Guttmacher, a very reliable website, states that from 1973 to 2010 about 43,000,000 legal abortions were performed. That's a fact, and it's true, and Planned Parenthood does not try and hide it due to the fact that IT'S WHAT THEY DO. To give a little info, I work for Planned Parenthood. They are very proud that they have gained the support of so many Americans, and no, they don't hide that they give abortions. It's an option that they offer to women, that they have fought for.
Whenever I hear this kind of horseshit, I like to picture a madman running amok, forcibly scraping the wombs of unsuspecting mothers-to-be; with the full support of the law on his side, of course.
It's interesting that when pressed to come up with suggestions for what Obama could have done differently, these retards go off onto another idiotic right-wing tangent.
Yes, I am aware that "idiotic" and "right-wing" are an oxymoron.
Had Obama been more "involved" from the beginning dolts like this and Sean Hannity would have criticized him for grandstanding and running a perpetual campaign.
The fact is that nothing Obama does will ever satisfy them. If Obama now suddenly said "you know, that whole healthcare thing was a bad idea after all" Rush Limbaugh would be on the air the next day praising the virtues of the bill that was passed after the hard fought negotiations of Congressional Republicans. I hate these people.
So in other words, not only should he not do anything to deal with the oil crisis, he should also take the putrefying remains of millions of fetuses and jam them in the rig--thus, from your perspective, desecrating the bodies of the dead?
I call Poe.
Firstly, wasn't Roe Vs Wade first enacted during the presidency of Richard M Nixon, a Republican...?
(Though to be fair to, the current president, the Republican Party has moved so far right wing, that "Tricky Dicky" would be classed as a "liberal", if not "communist", were he in politics now...).
Secondly, were not for the Lax/"Laissez-Faire" (delete as applicable) regulation of drilling in the Gulf Of Mexico, enacted by former U.S administrations, this accident may never have happened...
As for The L's comment, I agree, this does sound poe-ish...
53,000,000 abortions. In a world of 6,000,000,000 people. This is less than 1% of the world's current population, and they aren't even fully sapient; they're unborn, and they do not have legal status as a full human in any nation with any real clout outside a few loony areas of some of the more heavily Christian countries.
Why are you wasting our time with this shit? Also, would you REALLY be happy with a bunch of fetuses crammed into a gushing oil pipe? I mean, the mental image makes me giggle a little, but I imagine that would just upset you further (even though YOU brought up the matter of abortion here).
His resignation would do absolutely nothing to the oil spill issue.
From reading that thread, most of those people seem to think the president has vast magical powers and can basically do whatever the fuck he wants when it comes to getting that shit fixed.
Come back and talk to us when you have even the faintest clue what powers fall under the office of the president.
By my calculation that's about 750 tons of rotting foetal flesh. Yeah, that's bound to do the job. Pelicans, you're safe! Fly free, little brothers, but don't be tempted to stop for a snack.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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