America's history is more white than any other color imaginable. That is unless you wished to be scalped and roasted.
Obviously slavery was an issue. I dont think anybody can deny that. But dont forget to look at the big picture. Only in such a great country could such a sin be abolished.
So, no Indians, no Asians, only white. Racist, yes, but trying not to look like one. And for such a great country, they could have done like many others, not having accepted such a sin to begin with.
Which took a hundred years, involved the government taking a blind eye to the issue all that time, then a war, and England still did it first!
We are, by gawd, a great country. We practiced slavery for 300 years and then, after 600,000 men died fighting over the issue, we abolished it.
Uh... huh. Not only, as the above posters noted, did we do it after just about everyone else AND need a war to tip the balance over, but we then spent 100 years marginalizing the freed slaves, just to be assholes about it...
Hey, guess what there still is slavery in America!
You know what it is! It's called human trafficking! And lots of people are trafficked into the US every year!
People are tricked into thinking they're going to find work, but nope that's not what happens. They end up being forced into harsh labor and forced prostitution.
Yeah what a great country the US is.
Actually, the United States abolished slavery well after most other nations. The French did it before the US did. So did the Brits, the Spanish, the Italians, the Portugese, the Canadians, the Germans, the Dutch, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Swiss, the Belgians, and the list goes on and on and on.
The US was widely ridiculed by most of the world for refusing to let go of this reprehensible practice for so long.
And following your logic, what an amazing civilisation Saudi Arabia is!!!, they had no right to vote and now they have granted it. Or better, what great civilisations Spain and France are!!, they had death penalty and now they don´t. Or better, what a great civilisation Chile is. Women couldn´t open an account or travel abroad without their husband´s permission, and now they can. In general, what great civilisation the human one is!!, we behave like assholes and then we stop doing it.
As so many other posters have pointed out, the U.S. was very late to the party, and only abolished slavery after 5 years of terrible bloodshed. Hardly a record to be proud of.
And it's appalling that mickey should urge us to look at the big picture when it's obvious he doesn't know squat about world history, or current events regarding human trafficking.
Yah, the USA abolished it after a bloody war years and decades after most other countries had already abolished it. So... there are a lot of countries just as great, if not greater, than the US of A.
I don't want to sound like I'm scoring Brownie points, but did you do know William Wilberforce ('u' or an 'e'?) was in fact an Englishman?
Yeah, you can shut up now.
We Europeans were colonizers. We were geared for it and motivated to do it. So, yeah, we conquered the Americas
The history of the first nations precede us by at least 10,000 years. White history is merely an extention of European, Asian and African history. All with some shame or regret to live down. But we should never forget any of it.
That would make you an like most Americans who doesn't know shit about the rest of the world or THEIR HISTORY.
America has the biggest selective memory in the world
Sure, it was abolished. After decades of stonewalling and a bloody civil war.
Then it was immediately replaced with sharecropping, which was every bit as bad. And later, human trafficking. Yay us.
Bottom line is that some people desperately want to be able to force other people do to their shitwork for them, even when other, better alternatives exist. And if possible, they'll do their best to involve the rest of us in it, so that they can justify it and avoid taking responsibility for it.
I kinda sucked at history, so forgive me if I get this wrong, but....didn't France abolish slavery first? 'K, I don't think it stuck, and it took them until WW2 to get rid of it for good, but..yeah, you're not the first, you're not the only, and get over yourself. If America was really so great, why are people trying to kill you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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