Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers
1. Often we see ordinary planes who are not spraying, flying in the same air space and altitude as those who are spraying leaving long trails. Given that “contrails” are dependent predominantly on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding atmosphere at that particular atmospheric pressure (which is measurable), and given that changes don’t occur very quickly in nearby airspace this should offer no less than a head scratch for anyone with an understanding of the issue and willing to apply science, reason and common sense.
2. Planes spraying are almost always unmarked, not ordinary commercial planes with passengers. To this day, no one has filmed an ordinary commercial (labeled) passenger jet spraying. It doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or is not happening, but it is something to consider.
3. Planes that are spraying almost always fly with transponders off. One can verify flight data information by logging on to a site like and look for the plane when it flies over. Rarely if ever, will you see the plane show up on the website flight listing, because it is not sending out signals. This speaks again to their commitment to secrecy and denial.
4. Spraying planes seem to fly in senseless patterns. They often fly in directions not commonly known for commercial flight including making U-turns and sharp turns.
5. Easily verifiable money-making weather modification and atmosphere-manipulating patents are available for anyone to review. These are not conspiracies or secret rumors, these are real patents. These patents are in use or they wouldn’t exist.
6. Spraying planes don’t follow any order of nature with respect to temperature and humidity (important to the “contrails” claims). Unlike a natural (“contrails”) event, the chemtrails we see being sprayed in our skies sometimes every day follow no set temperatures or humidity. In Southern California, for example, we see spraying regardless of whether the temperature on the ground is 50, 70, or 90 degrees Fahrenheit. We also see the spraying at very low and very high humidity. This disjointed pattern with nature’s temperature and humidity is a stark contrast to what government geoengineers claim is the nature of contrails. All supposed government “contrails” studies show that “contrails” will only form under certain specific temperatures and humidity in accordance to the rules of nature. In other words, according to the rules of nature there are set temperatures and humidities that guarantee no contrails. These temperatures and humidities unfortunately never translate over to reality when one applies the Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) formula to the known current temperature on the ground to calculate the temperature at plane altitude level.
7. Jets that spray our skies can often be seen to stop their spraying suddenly then restart seconds later. Something characteristic of a deliberate shutting off or perhaps a pause to change chemical canister from which the chemicals are being drawn. With contrails on the other hand we would expect a smooth steady continuation of the condensation trail being created by (supposedly) the ice crystals that (supposedly) form spontaneously from the combustion of ordinary jet fuel. This is not at all what we see when we look up.
8. Throughout the year anyone can easily predict when the chemtrails will stop. In regions with very steady climate as in Southern California, this prediction is based strictly on observation of their spraying schedule not on the temperature or humidity. Hot or cold, we will see spraying throughout the year, and we’ll see the spraying (predictably) stop at specific times of the year.
9. We can observe weather patterns that are often inconsistent with the established weather forecast. The difference? The spraying of the sky. Often the forecast calls for sunshine and blue skies and we’ll observe the planes ruin the sky leaving cloudy overcast skies instead. A sharp difference from the predicted weather.
10. There are known weather modification private companies who admit they manipulate the sky for the purposes of weather modification. This information is public, real and easily verifiable.
11. Attempt at cloud seeding, weather modification, engineered drought, rain making and other manipulation and geoengineering of our skies is admitted by government agents, educators, geoengineers and other entities all claiming it’s for the purposes of “global warming” and planet cooling. This admission is nonetheless the proof these programs are ongoing.
12. Patents for specifically aluminum-resistant seeds are secured by the USDA and promoted by Monsanto. A bizarre coincidence if this is not related to spraying programs which also employ the spraying of aluminum in the sky that eventually falls back to the ground.
13. Photographs of our skies prior to 2000 show little to no lines in the sky. Everyone with a photo collection has this proof in their hands.
14. Where is the documentation of protesters protesting sky lines back in the 1990s? How about the 1980s, ’70s, ’60s, ’50s etc? Where is the history of genuine writers (not government scientists), authors of books and activists writing about the problem of lines in the sky? Where are the photos of activists packing the streets protesting sky lines in the 1970s? Did no one care about the environment back then?? These images and activist literature don’t exists because movements only occur to address things that are actually happening in that generation. Chemtrails and sky lines are actually happening now thus we NOW have a movement to address this serious issue.
15. Trolls and disinformation agents claim ordinary planes have always made persistent contrails when they combust fuel and these trails inevitably change our weather and global climate as a result and block our sunlight. These wild claims suggest that dating back to the Wright brothers’ invention of the first plane; the invention turned out to be a weapon of mass destruction. As bizarre as this sounds, this shifting of the blame for the destruction of our skies from today’s U.S. government, U.S Air Force, the DOD and all its private contractors and accomplice allies to the Wright brothers is inescapably at the root of their argument. Also at the root of this argument is that blue skies were never the norm even in sunny southern California or Hawaii due to natural contrails formation. This bizarre argument of course is a psyop on those who are unaware of the issue; and the younger generations who are now being conditioned to believe this statement is true and that massive weird feathery and smudgy looking clouds injected in the stratosphere and troposphere with chemical trails flown into them is normal.