Actually, Bill Nye got his START on a local Seattle comedy show called “ALMOST LIVE!” back in the 80s. He was just another local comedian who happened to have an interest in science. I don’t know if he has any actual college degrees (other than Liberal Arts Degrees, which are as useless as a Democrat at voting time) but he IS a reasonable funny man. A little brain-dead from drinking too much Kool-Aid, but still funny in his own way.
I used to enjoy letting my kids learn about how things work by watching his Science Guy show. It helped them form an intelligent grasp of the world around us. But when Nye started doing his “Praise Lord Obozo” act it really pissed me off. Polluting OUR air so he can ride in a fucking plane with his savior, Barry the Blameless just shows what a typical Libtard Nye really is— it’s OK for THEM to have a gazillion-ton carbon footprint but the REST OF US need to drive Prius’ and ride bikes and only eat FMO FOODS so we can save the planet. Never mind what they DO— just do as they SAY! Libtardian douchebags!!!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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