Red Pill UK #fundie

I just looked at it and barely one supporting comment, goes to show these lame reddit users aren't as alpha as they thought.

Let's just go with their theory for a sec, its a money grab. OK, and? Whats wrong with that? if they were truly kicking ass at life, they wouldn't be upset that they're precious movement supposedly been 'slammed' and it now has 'competition' that is there to make 'money'.

They also are still too blue pill to understand, democracy is not always a very good system. Why should everyone get a say? This reddit sub is full of shit and arguments. There are times when a dictatorship is better, and this is what I think is happening here.

It's sad but this shows what I suspected anyway, that they're mostly still 'plugged in' losers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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