Eliashib #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org
Because they failed to get their way, these "gay wrongs" activists have filed a bill that would require heterosexual couples have (not adopt) children within three years or their marriages would be declared null and void by the state.
I have a solution to all of this nonsense. Follow the model that was established years ago by the Roman Catholic Church. Fail to recognize all marriages performed by the state as legitimate unless these are sacramental marriages. It's a simple solution, but it will work. Sacramental marriages do not require that couples bear children, but that the couples must be open to the possibility.
We could also take a stand against abortion should the "gay lefts" activists win an ear with the sympathetic pinko courts in Washington state. Add an ammendment to the bill that says that all couples must be open to the possibility of new life and therefore disavow support for "legalized" (a.k.a. court imposed) abortion in every instance. In short, to be married, the couple must be Pro-life, not Pro-preborn infant murder.
It's time to fight fire with fire. We cannot let the sanctity of marriage go unchallenged. The Christian morals and values which our very nation was founded upon are being chipped away in preparation for the anticipated inauguration of that great harlot, Hillary Rodham-Clinton.