Hyperion #conspiracy ethericwarriors.com
A. The Tsarnaev brothers were born in Chechnya and then moved to the USA. Chechnya, a republic of the Russian Federation, inhabited largely by Muslims. Chechens, even more than ethnic Russians, suffered unspeakable horrors during Stalin’s reign. Also, they had often been discriminated against by the Soviet government and ordinary Russians. The banking Syndicate feasts on this kind of justified discontent in the same way that leeches in the Kathmandu valley feast on human blood. As in Afghanistan and elsewhere, as part of Syndicate’s efforts to destabilize and fragment Russia—perhaps the only significant nuclear challenge to the bankers—and as part of its deliberate program to destabilize the entire world (including the USA), the Syndicate, via its CIA and MI6 death squads, orchestrated and supported a secessionist movement in Chechnya. As part of this support, the death squads actively created, encouraged, and facilitated acts of terror in Chechnya and in the non-Chechen parts of Russia.
Like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn before his first visit to the USA, and later, like his tragically-misinformed backing of the Vietnam war, naïve Chechen militants witlessly view the CIA and the USA as their benefactors; it defies common sense that they would perform acts of terror against America. Before receiving the official script, blackshirt in good standing Rudy Giuliani, for example, correctly observed that Chechen extremists only wished to terrorize Russia and harbored no animosity toward the U.S. Supporting this, in 2013, among foreign mercenaries tasked with bringing genocide, chaos, fanaticism, and religious strife to Syria, Gordon Duff notes the presence of “Chechen mercenaries working with the CIA and Al Qaeda.”
Similarly, “Wayne Madsen and other journalists have established that the ‘Chechen terror groups’ linked to the elder Tsarnaev brother, by way of his CIA controllers . . . were actually pro-USA terror groups run by the US government against the Russian government.”