(Referring to Wikipedia and it's founder Jimmy Wales)
["What relevance does saying Wales is an atheist have? The website is not atheist and covers all ranges of topics, so I don't understand why this has any place in the first sentence of the article."]
Because atheist = bad.
Ah, not exactly. They love tradition because in the past, particularly McCarthy-era, Christians and Conservatives were considered the pinnacle of patriots, for anything lest was immediately branded as a Communist and promptly decimated, socially, professionally, you name it. And the "for the family" thing is just a warm and fuzzy way of saying "It offends me, so stop it."
Ooooh. Has anyone noticed how hypocritical this quote at the bottom is? It's in reference to the batshit crazy conservative girlfriend of the founder of Wikipedia who got dumped. The guy before is saying that because she's biased, she's not the best source to quote saying that Wikipedia is "online libel board," that "any loser can use to smear people who are more successful than them". In response to that:
True, due to her circumstances. However, replace her name with any known conservative, just keep the quotes. I bet you still get the truth about Wikipedia!--jp
So Wikipedia is evil, just because one of its founders is atheist?
Guess that means that the pamphlet Common Sense , which convinced many American colonists to join the war against England, is evil too, because it was written by an atheist named Thomas Paine.
Or maybe someone's religion (or in this case, lack thereof) has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the quality of his/her work!
EDIT: Arrrgh, I keep forgetting to use BBCode instead of HTML!
[Because atheist = bad.]
emau99 puts goggles on.
Why is that, Jros83?
Yes, we all know that those atheists are so bad, what with all their caring for the poor and needy, their concerns with social justice, their unselfish acceptance of all people and cultures, damn them, damn them all to hell! How can you do such evil things? Don't you know that God is good, and expects us to persecute, torment, and kill all those who do not agree with our particular branch of fundyism, no matter how inane, ignorant, and immoral it is?
Thanks for the clarification, Jros.
Is there any possibility that this statement might actually be an insult of other conservapedia members' manner of thought, or is this straight up idiocy like it appears to be?
Wikipedia started by atheist who allows for editing and free discussion.
Conservapedia started by home-schooled high school students who censor....
Yah, I'll stick with Wikipedia thanks.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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