ephraimanesti #fundie christianforums.com

Atheists have taken dishonesty to new and ludicrous heights by pretending to have sought high and low for evidence that God exists and, supposedly failing to find such evidence, have wandered off into the darkness mumbling that "there ain't no God." The problem being with this scenario, of course, is that the so-called evidence they have "examined" has been hand-selected to provide the pre-determined desired "proof" of the lack of God's existence. All evidence which WOULD prove the existence of God is, on one bogus pretext or another, disallowed. God is perfectly capable of proving His own existence--the problem is He can only work with open minds.

If atheists were REALLY interested in proof of God's existence, each one of them would look within themselves, find out what the inner need is which drives them to deny the obvious, get that need healed or met as the case may be, and start living like rational children of God. That worked well for me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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