"The problem being with this scenario, of course, is that the so-called evidence they have "examined" has been hand-selected to provide the pre-determined desired "proof" of the lack of God's existence.”
So, your theory, here, is that I know gods exist. I know YOUR god exists, meaning i KNOW that not-worshiping Him will send me to Hell. KNOWING there’s no escaping this fate, I have preselected the evidence that the FAITHFUL offer me for failure, so i can pretend to not KNOW that God exists, While i KNOW that He does AND that He’s omniscient. So He KNOWS that I KNOW that He’s REal and I’m telling a lie.
Seems like i’m putting a LOT of effort into spending eternity in Hell, doesn’t it? This is what you say i’m doing, what I’m thinking.
That’s the stupidest Idea I have heard in a long, long time.
The last one was a statement that only a certain flavor of Christain went to Heaven, but Jews and other faiths at least got t-shirts to wear in Hell saying how close they got.
"All evidence which WOULD prove the existence of God is, on one bogus pretext or another, disallowed.”
Would this evidence be the really poor math? Or the piss-poor science? Or the anecdotes? Maybe you’re referring to the evidence that’s just as useful in proving Zeus as it is proving Jehovah? It’s not ‘disallowed’ so much as ‘worthless’ or ‘unable to stand up to scrutiny.’ But feel free to provide any of it. Maybe YOUR proof is the convincing one.
“God is perfectly capable of proving His own existence--the problem is He can only work with open minds.”
This is the guy that hardened and softened Pharaoh’s heart, right?
The guy that chased Job down and convinced him?
Where does it say that only open-minded people saw the resurrected Jesus?
Your god is omnipotent, he doesn’t need my permission to prove himself to me. But you seem to need to give him excuses for failure.
“If atheists were REALLY interested in proof of God's existence, each one of them would look within themselves,”
Been there.
“find out what the inner need is which drives them to deny the obvious,”
Strawman. You’re convinced, but i don’t find any single deity to be obviously more than an invention of one or another culture.
“get that need healed or met as the case may be,”
Oh, blow it out your ass. If your proofs were worth a shit, you could do a much better rebuttal to any criticism than by just saying ‘You don’t WANT it to be true!’
“and start living like rational children of God. That worked well for me.”
Not THAT well, you’re not offering a useful argument. Just hanging crepe paper on the entire demographic.