In 1997, the researcher Gundlach studied the issue of childhood sexual molestation in respect to lesbians and according the medical researchers Gundlach found the following:
"Gundlach (1977) surveyed 225 lesbian and 233 heterosexual women, and found that 30% of the heterosexual women and 21% of the lesbians had been raped. Of the 30 women who had been raped before the age of 14, 26 had an adult homosexual orientation while 9 had an adult heterosexual orientation."
[I'm skeptical of any "medical researcher" that adds up 26 and 9 to be 30]
I guess the concept of a person have both, thereby being counted twice, is above your level of understanding.
Someone else here can explain it better if you're still having trouble.
I'd think bisexual women (and I am one) would account for that, *but*, they are quoting a study from either 1997 or 1977. They can't even get their date right! And the whole point is simply to promote hatred wrapped in pity for lesbian women.
Epic Wolf, the entry specifically says only lesbian and straight women were surveyed, not bisexual women. And in scientific studies, you NEVER count single participants more than once, as doing so severely skews results.
Also, the citation they list actually directly contradicts their listed figures, and I can find no data whatsoever on any researcher named Gundlach anywhere. So I'm going to have to go with calling the entire piece bullshit.
"and 26 + 9 = 30...
This doesn't add up."
Given that Conservapedia is heavily frequented by people who recite and believe the mathematical "truth" that:
9 > 216 (think about it) we truly need to expect anything else here?
@Rat of Steel:
What is it, the number of atheists and number of Christians?
A lot of fundies seem to think they're outnumbered and that their little church is the last beachhead of True Christianity against a world that's constantly trying to shoot them or something insane like that.
"Could you elaborate? I really have no idea what you're talking about."
Of course. *smile*
It's inspired by George Orwell's famous novel 1984 , wherein the citizens of the State would recite and believe(!) the equation "2 + 2 = 5". We readers know that's false, but the obedient citizens believe it's true, simply because Big Brother says it is.
"9 > 216" refers to the inherently divisive abortion issue. Those who call themselves 'pro-life' (ie: those who might be expected to make use of Conservapedia) fight tooth and nail for the full gamut of rights for people during the 9 months before birth, but practically no rights during the 216 months (18 years) thereafter, simply Because God Says So.
"In 1997, the researcher Gundlach studied the issue [...]
"Gundlach (1977) surveyed 225 lesbian and 233 heterosexual women [...]"
There seems to be a slight discrepancy of about 20 fucking years in your claim. As if the math blunder wasn't bad enough...
We don't really know much about lesbianism, or about female sexual orientation in general. We haven't found the kind of hereditary connections we've found with gay men - it's possible they're two entirely different phenomena. There are a lot of alternative explanations that would be hard to disprove. One is that women who are open enough to admit to being gay are more likely to admit it if they had been abused, as well.
So much bad statistics.
What is the operational definition of rape? Or lesbian? How were the participants selected? How were the questions worded in the survey? What was your response rate?
A sample size of 30 is pretty piss poor. There are serious math problems, no margin of error, no significance testing. Either this is a made up citation, or it is taken completely out of context.
The way I see it, if Conservapedia says that 26+9=30, then this is as it should be. Conservapedia is the next best source of information after the Bible, and of course I would much rather trust it than your liberal pocket calculators.
It's about time we clean up math from these atheistic nonsense and go back to the way God intended it to be: 1+1=3, 26+9=30, PI=3.
Please can someone start building computers and stuff that use the true, biblical math instead of the fake, liberal, communist, atheistic one?
After biology, geology and physics, it makes a lot of sense to cleanse math, too. We should even end up adding science curricula to our christian colleges.
And even if this is true (which I highly, highly doubt) then what right do you have to hate them like you do?
@cf: this site isn't just about religious fundies, but any fundamentalists, including homophobic ones.
"simply Because God Says So."
Maybe not even that. The bible is a pretty unsuitable thing to get anti-abortion quotes, because where it DOES refer to abortion, it does not strengthen the Anti-Abortionist's arguments, from equating the value of a fetus to the value of the man's livestock, to priests administering potions to induce abortions in order to check a woman's chastity. That's why they NEVER have biblical quotes directly referring to abortion on their signs and literature.
"Of the 30 women who had been raped before the age of 14, 26 had an adult homosexual orientation while 9 had an adult heterosexual orientation."
So if you are a woman and you want to turn out hetro, don't forget to get raped until after you are 14.
i think i've heard of gundlach, his cousin gorlak is my financial advisor. their planet is called ganemedes VII and it's about 300 light years from earth. that's why the statistics are all screwed up and i've lost all this money, it took a couple of hundred years to get to us.
Legs on insect = 4.
Pi = 3.
26 + 9 = 30.
Yep, I see a definite trend here.
(It could be a typo, but I doubt it. The relevant keys on a standard keyboard are miles apart, relatively speaking.)
statistics, how do they work ?
26 +9 = 35 so you have an overlap of some women who must be bisexual, or you can't add.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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