Jesus Christ was actually NOT A JEW. Don't care what anyone else says.
"Jesus Christ was actually NOT A JEW. Don't care what anyone else says."
Yeah, I believed that Christianism was a jewish sect which became more and more autonomous and that it was Paul who separated Christianism from its roots.
Uh, I was under the impression that the Bible is very clear on the fact that Jesus (provided he existed) was a Jew.
According to the profile, this moron is actually a woman.
Yeah, his last name was "Christ," not "Christowitz."
Sorry, but Jesus was Jewish:
He went into his father's business.
His mother thought he was God.
He thought his mother was a virgin.
"Jesus Christ was actually NOT A JEW...."
....He was a VULCAN!
Sorry, just being a goofus, here....
@ #1438579
You do realize Judaism is a religion compromising many ethnic groups, right? There are black and Medaterrainian Jews. It doesn't matter if he was an ethnic Jew or not. He was a follower of Judaism, and thus a Jew.
He was a kike, a yid, a heebie, a hook-nose. He was KOSHER! He was a RED SEA PEDESTRIAN, and PROUD OF IT!
Yes, he was. Well, if he ever actually existed, that is. Tough shit if this inconvenient truth doesn't sit well with what looks to be a distinctly anti-Semite point of view, but the truth won't change to suit you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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