texasguy01 #fundie timesonline.typepad.com
Welcome to modern America. The problem today is that this is a problem of cultural literacy. This is basic Christian theology. Check the book of Acts (after the Gospels for the non bible folk). The Apostle Paul does the same thing. Basic mainline denomonations have stripped these teachings out. This is actually Biblical Christianity. It is also a two way culteral problem. You basic generic secular humanist American does not understand Christianity or African witchcraft. African witches are trained to kill through poisons mostly or other means as needed. They target people specifically. This is to obtain finances or power. Spiritual warfare is important to Christians and it does have amazing results but it will always be downplayed and mocked the the secular population. The Bible says every one has a choice. Make your choice. Just because someone poked their head in a church window not because they are interested in what is going on but only for political gain does not mean they are wrong for beliving it. This is America. Check the history of America that has been expunged from the school history textbooks. Abraham Lincoln made a name for himself in the Duffy Armstrong trial over a murder at a revival. In the 1906 Azuza rocked the world. the 1950's seen millions in healing revivals with Doyle Branham. All of this is buried. I will be more of a supporter for her now.