Some of you liberals post coments that are so far out there, and the amount of hatred sometimes is astounding. I think you are so apposed to God and spiritual matters, because you are really scared it may all be true. But, you want to live a selfish life now and not be conserned with higher thinking. You think the dems and BO will solve all your problems when in government... they will actually disappoint you I'm afraid.
God is real, and he will help many of your problems if only you truely believe. If you continue this shunning of Christian ideals, you will finally see your error one day. America (as others are saying) is what it is because of the values we were founded on. If you want us to be like so many other countries, why not just pick one and move!
If you think that Barack has so much support--it is an allusion. The reason he has so much campaign money is because his worshipers are throwing it at him like crazy, while us conservatives are going to church, tithing, giving to missions, giving to charity... (a bit more than most libs).
MARK MY WORDS... REPUBLICANS WILL WIN THIS ONE TOO! Because America has not changed all that much in 4 or 8 years. Most citizens can see when someone really isn't going to do the country any real good. McCain/ Palin will win at least by as much as Bush '04, if not by a lanslide. The media is just overly biased as usual and the polls will grow increasingly tweaked as usuall too... the "star" will fade soon, we shall see.