Did you know that the only reason why virtually every scientist in the world accepts evolution? It's because they are all in on one big conspiracy to undermine creationism.
Right. Every single one of the billions of people, including untold hordes of scientists, who support the theory of evolution. One big conspiracy. True, that.
Did you know that the only reason why virtually every scientist in the world accepts evolution?
Because the scientific evidence supports evolution.
What prize do I win?
Wow....between a consiracy involving literaly millions of scientists, scholars, students, and researchers and the concept that evolution may have evidence supporting it....your theory loses.
Or maybe it's because all of the solid evidence supports the theory of evolution, rather than your fairy tale. Oh, but that doesn't make you feel special enough, does it?
Yes, and because they´re inventing everything you use, INCLUDING THIS COMP. And just for the record, when did you left your tinfoil hat?, and did you take your meds, for that matter?
Well, I know this is what most creatidiots actually think, but it's rare for them to admit it out loud. Anyway, how can you undermine something with no foundations?
Carpetbagger to Grey Squirl, Carpetbagger to Grey Squirl. The fox is in the pool, I repeat, the fox is in the pool. Over.
SSSHHHHH, don't tell any body! Not only that, the Illuminati(whatever the hell that is?) and the New World Order(same question?) are behind it all. I know because I heard it all at our giant, secret, evolutionists, atheist scientists, and gay agendist(?) monthly meeting and Tupperware party! All of us were there together in the Grand Canyon (only place big enough so we could all get together). You know it's true because you didn't hear a word about it in the liberal media, did you? I would unplug your computer now for a while because our black helicopters can follow the MFI waves right to where you are hiding.
No, you got it all wrong! Actually, the Illuminati asked Satan to create fake evidence, then deluded all the scientists. They tried your way first, but they couldn't get enough money to stop those who found out from telling.
There is such a huge concentration of stupid emanating from CARM, I'm amazed the Internet hasn't been sucked into it by now.
For what it's worth, dummy, Creationism undermines itself!
Scientists are among the most egotistical and competitive people in the world. If any one of them thought he could show his colleagues up by disproving evolution, there's no way he would sit back and keep it to himself. That would be like the Mets and the Yankees conspiring to skip the World Series.
Sucks. Pull the curtain boys, the gig is up! We would have gooten away with it too, but for those stinking, meddling kids!.
Not just the scientists Mihilz, everyone. Its one big conspiracy involving everybody except you. Its taken a lot of time, and effort, and generations of planning, but it will all be worth it when we shout "surprise, you're still a dumbass!"
What to do when you disagree with reason, logic, and just plain common sense? It's all one, big, gigantic CONSPIRACY! Everyone now!
You are correct! Scientists did set out to create a conspiracy to convince the world of evolution only they found out it was actually true!
**Remember, god loves you and he NEEDS money**
Creationism has been almost completely debunked, let alone undermined. Sorry to have to tell you this, but creationism is pn shakier ground shakier than a house of cards in an earthquake and there is nothing conspirational about it. Rational, yes. Conspirational, no.
I don't think, that creationism was around, when evolution was introduced for the first time...
Here's you're milk and cookie, now be a good boy and relax, sit back and figure that out again.
-KR (not logged in for some reason)
Yep, it's a goddamn conspiracy, I tell ya! I bet these white-coats have dinosaur extermination teams that hunt down dinosaurs and kill them and erase all evidence that they are still alive! Yep, just like what they did to Noah's ark! And if anyone finds out about it, they'll erase all evidence of YOU! And then they'll use you for their evil experiments! [/mockery]
Nope. Geneticists, molecular biologists, archaeologists, comparative anatomists, and statisticians all arrived at the same thing through different routes. Fail.
I’ve seen the cartoon that every time they make a discovery in biology it makes creationists look JUST a little more stupid, which is a significant motivation for many,but that’s just a side benefit, not the main purpose.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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