Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can? Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood
And guess what else Andy?! They can excel in science, English, history, etc. And can do quite a lot.
If boys are so good at math, how come there are so many of them that can't make change? Why are the majority of cashiers and bank tellers women?
If you warm your brain up a little, you might think more clearly, Andy. I recommend hitting your left ear with a hot steam iron.
You're a fucking idiot, Andy.
Edit @Hirsute_Nailbomb: Unless someone hacked him, then yes, Andy Schlafly really is that retarded.
Andy Schlafly is a proponent of "chivalry", and this is what he means. He thinks that girls don't need maths to make sammichs, so it's only fitting and proper that they don't get taught math, either, and we shouldn't confuse their little heads with too much useless, difficult-to-comprehend information. A gentlemanly thing to do, says he.
I'm not making this up. It's a stated goal . He grades math courses differently for boys and girls because he believes in "prohibition of competition between genders" (and proceeds to give everyone 99/100 anyway ), and math isn't necessary for women because "certain tasks should be done by men".
Which explains, of course, why most teachers, at least when I was growing up, were female. I can only ever recall one male math teacher in my entire life.
Now, I don't mind a guy sliding back a chair or taking out the trash, but I don't expect anyone to do that.
Just because I like men who hold doors open, doesn't mean I can't beat them in math, physics or armwrestling if need be.
Bring it on Andy, prepare to have thy arse handed to thee on a platter of silver. Chivalrous enough for you?
If "Homeschool Math" is anything like "Homeschool Science", I doubt either group would meet the minimum reasonable critera for "excel".
But at least the boys can count one higher than girls, to eleven.
Yeah? Tell that to my daughter, fuckwit. Top in her (mixed) class at Difficult Sums, and currently starting out on her BSc. At Oxford. That's Oxford in England, Andy, where clever people go. You wouldn't get to clean the floor.
And when I was in High School, there were about 6 - 8 girls that routinely beat me on math tests, and I was making A's. In college I made A's in College Algebra, Trigonometry, 3 semesters of Calculus, and Differential Equations.
Yeah, girls are terrible at math. /snark
@ Doubting Thomas
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Conservapedia was one huge poe site. I really wish that it were."
Sadly, no, but if it were printed on paper, many copies would have wrinkled pages and smell of urine. That being the most compact and eloquent review that it deserves.
Am I surprised this is Andy? Not a bit. Yes, girls can excel in math. I went to school with a biology major who was minoring in math just because she likes math, and I worked with a grad student who was doing ecological modeling. Both were women, and they're not isolated examples.
[...Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can?]
Actually, I know that they can.
[Liberals teach they can...]
Conservatives don't?
[...which is teaching a falsehood.]
Got any conclusive evidence to back that iron-clad assertion there Andy?
Not even a little bit?
Andy? Andy? Why are you crying?
"Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can? Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood."
If I recall correctly, don't girls statistically outperform boys in mathematics on standardized tests?
Of course, Andy Schlafly's comments have no basis in reality, they are just wishful thinking. His comments show the world he desires to live in, a world where women are deliberately suppressed, a world that would be something like Afghanistan. Of course, in such a world, Schlafly would be a member of the Taliban.
@ Pule Thamex
It was said a few posts ago that Assfly's own daughter is a physics major at Princeton. If true, that only makes the OP even more appalling. I only hope his daughter reacts like mine would - forcefully, with a hockey stick.
Well, I teach engineering at a University and some of those danglers have trouble with basic algebra - don't know how they got in there, but for me (looks down) Yup, I'm a girl. As for my math skills I was required to learn to derive every equation in all my of books from F = ma during my last attempt at a phd; or you could look at my perfect GRE scores if you're short on time.
I don't know what it's liek in America, but over here it's pretty equal ground.
I'm no eejit - statistically, far from it.
But there was a girl who has wiped the floor with anyone, be they male or female.
My fiancee helps me with my math work all the time. She was in honors math all four years of high school and is a genius in that regard. I on the other hand, suck at math but am good at other subjects that she is weak on.
Boys and girls both have the equal chance to do well.
Also Andy, hide your testicles. My fiancee wants to show you what happens when you subtract two testicles from the body.
Sad that there are women out there who are ten million times smarter than you are, Andy? Don't feel so bad about that, that's the average woman, the real genius women out there are immeasurably smarter.
In general, I've found that girls tend to, on average, do BETTER at math than boys, by which I mean that every higher-level math class I've seen is roughly 75% female. At least.
Oh my god , what the hell is Andy Schlafly's problem?? Conservapedia's basically just his whole big one-man fap-fest, isn't it.
You know, I took some accounting classes in high school and did really well. I was going to major in it but switched to chemistry because I decided that it was way more interesting. I'm doing all right with the math and physics, but it's been a while since my last calc class and I'm a bit rusty. ^^;
As a woman with a B.S. in math, who's been taught by quite a few female math teachers, I call bullshit.
Andy's a few standard deviations shy of the bell curve, here. Rather than live in an integral society in which both genders are treated as equally-functioning members, Andy chooses to differentiate based on insignificant differences. I pity any woman who dares to enter his misogynist domain.
I didn't get a male math teacher until college.
Conversely, my mother is awful at math and I'm probably not much above middle school. it's called "the brain is different for everyone" dumbass.
Yes, that explains why almost all of my math teachers were women. That explains why so many of my female friends are majoring in Business, Calculus, or Chemistry. That explains why Marie Curie is so well-known for her work in science. That explains why Lise Meitner worked on the atomic bomb with Albert Einstein and he referred to her as "our Marie Curie."
...Or not. Sexist moron.
My sister studies to become a teacher and has seen some studies (I didn't note where they came from, sorry) that showed a slight variation in performances between boys and girls in various matters. Girls were slightly better in algebra, boys slightly better in geometry, etc... but all in all, the key word is slightly: the difference was so slim that it couldn't possibly be used to predict how good one particular kid would do.
Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can?
No, I don't think they can, I know it to be a fact that they can. Period. They may be less inclined towards seeking a career in one of the various fields of mathematics, but that does not in any way indicate a lack of ability.
Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood
Well then Andy, you misogynist fuck, don't just assert it to be false, prove it . Otherwise we are left with only your narrow and misinformed opinion , which has proven time and again to be quite worthless.
Hey Andy. I've been an A student in Math all my life. 95th percentile in my math abilities, wanna play with some proofs?
Oh, and isn't it amazing that Einstein had no more great ideas after he left his first wife (another physicist). Not saying he stole her ideas, but I'm pretty sure they bounced theories off of each other.
I think Andy is Phyllis Schlafly's son. No wonder he's so warped. His mother has been brainwashing little Andy, probably since birth.
She hates other women, especially feminists. Yet, if it weren't for feminism, she'd never have gotten anywhere in her profession if it weren't for women's rights. She is a tool of the right wingnuts. Schizophrenic as any other fundie female, except she doesn't include herself in the faulty logic she spews.
Let me give you a reality check. I''m a 13-yea-old girl, I go to one of the best public schools in Britain, and I can prove you're wrong:
I am in all top sets, and that includes maths. Heck, I find top set maths easy. I consistantly get top marks in all subjects. My teachers have all said that I'm aiming for B-A* grades in every single one of
my subjects. So STFU!
Those are fighting words Andy.
Oh wait, you're the offspring of that vile Phyllis Schlafly. Of course you say stupid, unsubstantiated things.
Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can? Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood
Really? Then explain why my son is the better writer and my daughter is the better mathematician.
Sexist dolt.
For an amusing tale of a "mere girl" (OK, that may be a stretch with MvS) humbling a host of mathematicians with PhDs, see the story of Marilyn vos Savant and the Monty Hall Problem . One guy even suggested she was wrong because she's a woman!
ArchhGrammarian, several families pay him to homeschool their children. He has a group of students, and he is using them as his own lab rats -- he gives the boys and girls assignments that are "keyed" to their gender (in line with his ideas), and keeps records of how they do, then reads his own ideas ingto the results. He used to have this as part of Conservapedia, and may still.
He also no doubt fills their heads with this same nonsense.
Fucker needs to DIAF.
XKCD summed this attitude up quite well.
Guy #1 does an equation wrongly. Guy #2 says: "Wow, you suck at math."
Girl #1 does an equation wrongly. Guy #2 says: "Wow, girls suck at math."
I was an Electrical Engineering major (as was Schlafly.)
Electrical Engineering is hugely mathematical. In fact, I'd speculate that the only college major that would involve more math is getting a degree in mathematics itself.
The top student in my graduating class was a woman. If she didn't graduate with straight A's, she came damn close.
I won't deny that math often reduced me to tears, even though I scored high on it in basic skills tests. But that doesn't prove you right, Andy, it only proves that everyone is different. I've known plenty of females who excel in math, including one who loves math so much that she often works math problems for fun.
Until fifth year of school or so, I was one of the three best in class, including math. But, as our "reward" was to sit in a separate room and do more of the same, when we finished before the others, I kind of lost interest after a few years. It felt more like we were punished for not being mediocre, like the rest.
My hubby is a construction engineer. Guess who keeps the books here at home? I do all our bills each month, and I help him with his income tax return form each year. Not that it entails that much math, really, but still...
Sheesh. I guess all the guys I tutor in chemistry and calculus are getting improper teaching from me. I am, after all, a women of obvious inferior intelligence.
Go suck a dick, Andy. Usually I find your idiocy amusing, but this is not one of those times.
This from the guy who had his ass cheeks roasted by Lenski over evolution ... ha ha ha ha ha.
Let's see ... Andy, the following would like a word with you:
Lisa Randall
Sophie Germain
Ruth Lawrence
Emmy Noether
Grace Hopper
Irene Stegun
They're just the ones I can list off the top of my head. The toenail clippings from these women have a higher IQ than you, Schlafly.
Er, Andy, the only one here who is teaching a falsehood is you.
I would like to know, though, are you naturally this stupid or do you have to practise?
Know what I was taught, by my conservative, Bible-believing parents?
I was taught that anyone could do anything that they wanted and excel at it, provided that they were willing to put in the time, effort and skullsweat necessary to master it. I bet they'd be surprised as hell to find out they're actually liberal hippies.
Congratulations. You represent the endpoint of a very, very long chain of base inhumanity, religious fanaticism, pride, greed, arrogance, religious heresy, bigotry and dogmatic stupidity. You've warped your own religion to justify willful ignorance, greed, and the naked lust for power and material wealth. You're an authoritarian in search of an all-powerful aristocracy to show your throat to. People just like you are already mumbling about restricting the vote to certain groups. One more step, and you're finally right back where we started--a supporter of the feudal system.
Walk proud, Schlafly. You're what American conservatism has finally mutated into.
Note that the hypocrite's daughter is a physics major at Princeton. <<
If that is true, good for her.
Observation: Caltech's undergraduate population is 45% women. Conclusion: Schlafly's Argument Is Invalid.
Think girls can excel in math as well as boys can? Liberals teach they can, which is teaching a falsehood
My wife has a PhD in mathematics with honors, holds several industry patents, and has a good publication list.
Andy, you are a pathetic loser.
hmm, Andy again.
No Andy, woman can do maths if they can be convinced to try. Some guys make it hard by not dating women who seem smarter than they are. Here is a hint, women on dates dont want to discuss maths. Its true.
An excerpt from my Grade 7 report card (scores in percentages)
English: 98
History: 87
I think they can.
Edit: sorry, didn't mean to brag, just wanted to prove a point.
Girls, as we all know, have cooties. Damn, why dont'cha grow up, [[HypocriticalHumor Assfly]]?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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