Patricia Godwin #fundie

In her interview with CNN's KFile, Godwin echoed the other attendees' sentiments about the Constitution, saying that it was Moore's understanding of the nation's founding text that led her to support his current campaign for Senate. She added that there hasn't been a Constitution since President Barack Obama was elected, saying, "It's been a theoretical document rolled up on the shelf of the archives just like President Davis said that Abraham Lincoln did to it."

"I want people like Mitch McConnell and the NRA and CNN and Donald Trump to stay out of our business down here," Godwin said. "That's the problem. You Yankees, you have done nothing but stick your freakin' nose in our business down here in the South. We don't want you down here in the South, don't you understand that? I would love to see every Yankee go back to Massachusetts and to New York City, you know it?"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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