Is the global cabal planning a MASS SACRIFICE at this year’s SUPER BOWL in Minneapolis?
We all know that they like to broadcast their dark plans ahead of time, because they think that if they warn us and we don’t notice then it is our own fault and they incur less karma. That’s how their sick, twisted minds work.
Take a look at this video released on January 18, 2018 and tell me that is not the Minneapolis skyline at the end?
There are so many subliminal messages in this, it’s hard to detail, but ones I caught were a police car on fire, automatic weapons, a loudspeaker THUN-250, a brain scan followed by another with adrenaline. The overt all-seeing eye capstone being lifted off the pyramid with lasers coming out, whilst people worship it is very clear.
A child says at the end, “Die already. Just leave.”
And then there are the lyrics.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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