Even I know that theory isn't evidence. The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?
When Christ returns everyone will see him at once all around the world.
Do you think God really waited 280 million years for his light to appear.
"The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?"
Yes it does. At the centre of the solar system, where it's always been.
"Do you think God really waited 280 million years for his light to appear."
Nope, and neither does anyone else worth talking to.
"When Christ returns everyone will see him at once all around the world."
If I live long enough to be the last living thing in this entire universe I will still not live long enough to see this day because it's never going to happen.
> "The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?"
No, you're right - it's turned off at night, that's why it's so dark then.
And solar eclipses are just moments when God accidentally bumps into the off switch.
"Even I know that theory isn't evidence. The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?"
- That's a function of the Earth rotating and not the sun.
"When Christ returns everyone will see him at once all around the world."
- Uhm...sure. I don't recall a chapter or verse explicitly saying that but then this is your fantasy, not mine.
"Do you think God really waited 280 million years for his light to appear."
- You don't get the whole "immortal" thing, do you? If your god is immortal then time would be a non-issue for it. 280 million years seems like a long time to humans because our time is limited.
So let's see, you don't know science, you don't know your bible and your conception of god is so anthropomorphic it is ridiculous. Is there anything you do understand?
The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?
Um, yes? Or did you not know that the earth rotates instead of the sun circling the earth?
It is well known that every night, at a certain time according to the season, Bible God flicks the switch that turns out the sun. When Bible God deems it to be morning again, He turns the sun back on.
By the way, it is somewhat ungodly to have artificial lighting, as it goes against Bible God's plan, probably. Also, candles are a definite no-no as they are demonic, they are reserved only for holy use in nunneries.
I, Captain Asserto, do hereby confidently assert.
Twilight Sparkle testing Casshiterides' 'Emission Theory' :
Twi: 'Well, I guess that's why - in the Blind Football events in the 2012 London Paralympics - the players still wore blindfolds, seeing as some of them still have some semblance of vision, which could prove an unfair advantage against those who are completely blind .'
Just as if one wraps a towel around your head, the Bugblatter Beast of Traal* cannot see you, just putting your fingers in your ears and shouting 'LA-LA-LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! ' will keep teh ebil theories that have a rather nasty habit of becoming [i]facts[/i] away. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
*- And even the Bugblatter Beast of Traal - that is so stupid, that it lives by the 'logic' that if you can't see it , it therefore can't see you - can outthink Sappy here. [/Douglas Adams]
> The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?
It does. There just happens to be a planet between you and the sun which, seeing as you're on its surface, casts a rather large shadow.
> When Christ returns everyone will see him at once all around the world.
Jesus fills 4 pi steradians of sky?
"The sun may give off light and yet it does not give it 24/7 in one place does it?"
Which is why Sappy here will be commanding the first manned mission to the Sun - taking off from the dark side of the planet Remus in the Romulan Star Empire - and the launch will take place at night .
[/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
No, god didn't wait. He took up a hobby, which apparently is making brain dead morons. And there are so many of them, he must have spent a lot of time on it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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