Anonymous Coward #fundie

I was thinking about what more could Satan do to mock the Roman Catholic church, and all of the things that God also does, ultimately, and in a indirect way the President can do all of these things by the threat of EBOLA where it is contracted through body fluids.

This must be having an affect on the sexually active society, which then could reduce unwanted pregnancies for the fear of getting the disease.

What ever God does or is moral Satan mocks it all in morbid ways and twisted law. With all of the various ideas and conspiracy theories floating around the world, I suggest that this is moreover the undermining agenda of the US government.

They don't even have to face any arguments over the contraception issues. Pretty clever, indeed!

Please be sensible and think on the motive as if we are examining Satan and his works. It's our present reality, folks. We are dealing with the Antichrist, in my positive conclusions.

Thanks for reading



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