"Christianity is a relationship - not a religion."
Then I guess that - not only can you kiss goodbye forever you & your fundie ilk's right to say that Atheism is a religion - right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity forfeits it's tax-exempt status in perpetuity.
Thus - like the Orgs here in the UK (as, unlike the US & other countries, $cientology isn't a legally recognised religion) - all your churches will have to pay tax on all their income; donations (they no longer have the right to qualify as charities etc), 'offerings' (yep, even the IRS wil take a slice from that collection plate too!), to say nothing of those lovely 'tithes'.
And methinks your pastor won't like the last one in particular. I mean, how's he going to continue living in the way he's accustomed to, if the naughty tax man will make him pay 50% of such?! And that's before they get to what he's paid, too?! To recover that shortfall, he's gonna have to ask you lot for more in 'tithes', thus the IRS will want more, thus he'll ask for more in 'tithes', ad infinitum ad nauseam...!
'Christianity is a relationship'? Frankly, if we take your logic to it's ultimate extreme AV1611VET, you - as a 'Bride' of Christ - will be wanting a divorce, before long. >:D
Moral: Become an Atheist. It's infinitely cheaper. And we pay Income Tax.