Ramen Expert #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Slow motion of Apollo astronauts proved moon landing is a hoax. They should jump faster and fall slower.
Most hoax speculators point out the shadows of the astronauts were wrong, or scenary never changes no matter how far the astronauts traveled, or no stars in the sky, etc. But the real dead giveaway is the slow motion of their movement.
If you drop a feather and a stone together inside a vaccumed chamber, you will see they both fall to the bottom at the same speed at 9.8 meters per second.
Although moon gravity is about one sixth of Earth gravity, but it cannot give the astronauts a slow motion effect. Slow motion can only be achieved under water or in the middle of space. Moon still has gravity. And there is no water nor air on moon. So how can astronauts move in slow motion?
The astronuts weighs about 260 pounds on Earth. On moon its still a whoping 45 pounds. How can a 45 pound object jump up and down in slow motion like that? They still should fall to the moon ground instantly just like on Earth. Dammit they still weigh 45 pounds even if they claim they are on moon. There is no air nor water to drag their falls too.
They are lighter on the moon and are more powerful in their legs. They should jump fast like a grass hopper and fall slower. But both their jumps and falls are in slow motion. This cannot be right. Feels like they are under water. Even when they jump you see the drag. There is no water on the moon.
Moon gravity is 1.6 meters per second. Which means if you hold a coin up high at 5 or 6 feet above ground and drop the coin, it should hit the ground in exactly 1 second. Thats not so slow. Its very similar to Earth gravity and your naked eye should not detect the difference.
But you see these astronauts bounce around like they are made of balloons and stuff. They jump slowly and fall slowly. In 1 second the coin thats 6 feet above ground should have hit the ground. And these guys did not even finish falling yet. And they only jumped like a foot high.
And let me remind you there is no air on the moon. On Earth your fall would be slowed down a little bit due to air pressure drag. This means you do not fall exactly 9.8 meters per second. You fall a little slower depending on your weight and what you wear. Bu on the moon a coin 6 feet above ground will surely hit the ground in 1 second. So how can people tell the slight difference between a fall on earth and on moon? But anybody can tell that Apollo astronauts are bouncing around like balloons very slowly.