Angry_runt #fundie

Even during sex, females are looking for better Chads

You know how women can't be quiet during sex? Well, maybe you don't know but most of them will start moaning at some point. What could be the reason for this? Hmm.

One of the main purposes of females vocalizing is the induction of mate guarding behavior in males. Conversely, calls may also be used in order to attract high ranking mates who can prevent intercourse with the initial partner. This is done to incite male mate competition.

Source is Wikipedia but with unchallenged citations

Of course the cited paper limits itself to nonhumans, because if someone accused human females of moaning for the same reason, they'd get hounded out of academia faster than a climate change skeptic. Read through to the In humans section however, and you'll see it's basically the same shit.

On the one hand, researchers have noted some apparently communicative patterns in women’s copulatory vocalizations that suggest some parallels with those of other primates (including an invitation to sperm competition, given that female sexual vocalizations, like those of other primates, serve as "copulation calls" noticeable to other men and exciting to them if overheard).

To be clear, this kind of behavior is atavistic. It's unlikely your girl is consciously hoping some Chad will break down the door, kick you off of her and take your place, but that's exactly what would have happened in primitive societies up to 5-6 thousand years ago, and her urge to moan exists for that original purpose.

(Links and emphasis in original)



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