Theodore A. Jones #fundie
(Responding to a blog post by a Universalist pastor)
Theodore A. Jones:“For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” Rom. 2:13 Hiett desperately needs to understand that the word law in this statement is not a reference to the OT written code of law. The law was changed by and after Jesus’ crucifixion. Heb. 7:12 This law was put in effect through angels by a Mediator. Acts 7:53, Gal. 3:19. It is only those who have the faith to obey this law who are declared righteous by God. There are no exceptions. The conjecture of universal salvation is pure poppycock!
glwadmin: Hello Theodore, thanks for your comment. However It is impossible to respond to you personally not knowing your background. Whether you reside in the Arminian or the Calvinistic camp will require a completely opposite response to your comment! I would say that you have to square your opening Scripture with Paul’s other statements such as:“And to the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, His faith is counted as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works.” (Rom 4:5,6)I’m just so glad that it is the faith OF Christ that ultimately saves us. “He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.” His is the faith in which we will all stand and then bow the knee to and confess that He is indeed our only Lord and Savior… indeed our sole life and identity is found only in Him! “All the inhabitants of the earth will remember and return to the Lord…” (Psa 22) It is His faith in His own salvation that ignites our faith: “I am crucified with Christ …and the life I live I live by the faith OF Jesus Christ who loved me and gave His life for me.” (Gal 2:20 -The Greek says “the faith OF Christ”)And finally, I am so glad that it is not our thoughts about God that define Him (our 30,000 denominations…!) but His thoughts about us that define us–His image and likeness redeemed and revealed in Christ Jesus!
Theodore A. Jones: I think you had best better square your soteriological assumptive to what that man wrote. After all he says “Do not go beyond what is written.” 1 Cor. 4:6
I am not affiliated what any contemporary religious perspective. Your concern of that matter is irrelevant. The fact that is relevant is that only a few ever find the gate into God’s kingdom and you are not in this class...And neither is Hiett.
glwadmin said: I am alarmed by the glib nature of your comment regarding your assessment of the state of both myself and Peter Hiett’s souls. Sounds eerily like Jonah of Ninevah, the Pharisees regarding the “sinners,” the elder brother of his father’s mercy…and also the angry vineyard workers. It might be good if you at least wished that none should perish as God Himself has confessed He does: “He is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. ”I guess Origen and a great number of the early Church Fathers and the churches under them never found “the gate” to heaven either for they believed and taught that God was able to do everything that He intended to do: “destroy the works of the devil…every knee shall bow…reconcile the world to Himself…making all things new…until He is all in all
Theodore A. Jones: Yep. You’re right they didn’t have any idea of what the gate is. They were the fathers of your churches, but isn’t it written “Call no man on earth father”? Perhaps you should have considered His confine, aye? For doing things His way you don’t wind up with egg on your face nor the offal of your sacrifices that He intends to smear on your faces either. But the stiffneck misquote the scripture to cover their disregard of it.
“The lord is not slack concerning His promise, The GUILTY shall not go unpunished, as some men (you & Pete) count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL (which includes your sinning, lying, recalcitrant posterior) should come to repentance regarding the sin of His only begotten son’s murder. Now. Nut case. Dream up some other defense for your wholistically false doctrine. For isn’t it his prediction that the chaff is separated? God did reconcile the world to himself…for total destruction. And the only Way of escape is by the faith of repenting of the sin of His only begotten son’s murder. There are no exceptions.