10thAmendment #fundie hannity.com

evolution "scientists" actually have the overwhelming task of digging up the whole earth before they can begin formulating their final conclusions about their evolution hypotheses based on the COMPLETE archaeological and geological records. Otherwise, evolution "scientists" seem to think that they have the license to revise evolution "laws" every time the dog unexpectedly digs up a strange fossile. Such mentality shows that evolution "science" was born in Hollywood.

The truth of the matter is that evolution "scientists" long ago figured out that the only way that they could push their evolution fantasies on everybody was to put on their lawyer's hats and try to sell the "jury," that's you and me, on their tunnel-vision interpretation of inconclusive evolution evidence by means of slick-talking courtroom rhetoric.

The bottom line is that evolution is a mixture of scientific statistics and imagination. In other words, evolution remains nothing more than a convincing form of science fiction.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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