Seriously, why don't people just kill pro-lifers already? They're wastes of skin and oxygen. They deserve it for all the terrible things they've done to women.
What, you mean like giving women the choice to do with their bodies as they see fit, which so many people before had denied them? (it should never have been an issue in the first place but some think its their business even though its not)
Fuck off matrix, you utter nobber
Considering they're terrorists who blow up hospitals and assassinate doctors, I think my hatred of them is completely warranted. Yeah it kinda was sarcasm, but all things considering, I can't help but get the darkly-humorous feeling that it would actually make things better.
why don't people just kill pro-lifers already?
Why don't people just kill Republicans already? / Why don't people just kill Democrats already?
Why don't people just kill fundamentalist Muslims already? / Why don't people just kill fundamentalist Christians already?
Why don't people just kill intellectuals already? / Why don't people just kill rednecks already?
Why don't people just kill Yankees fans already? / Why don't people just kill Red Sox fans already?
Why don't people just kill people who like Coke-a-Cola already? / Why don't people just kill people who like Pepsi already?
Why don't people just kill everybody already?
Merry Christmas.
Considering they're terrorists who blow up hospitals and assassinate doctors
Taking the actions of the most extreme of the group and then claim they represent them all; the call of the lynch mob through time. Sarcastic and darkly humorous, perhaps; maybe Santa can bring you a more sophisticated sense of humor. For that we'd all be thankful.
We don't kill them because most of them are harmless, if a bit whiny. They're our rather dim old aunties who don't have much else in life except their church. However, if you must do some culling, I suggest the politicians who want their vote while giving them zip in return. Ok, you can take the pastors who need to terrify people to stay in business, too.
"Can we just get rid of this fucker already? He's been nothing but trouble ever since he's showed up and polluted this website with his bike."
Maybe it just needs the carburettor tweaked a bit?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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