nmhaupt #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Here are some unexplained anomalies about the "Space Program"
1. The 1969 F1 engine used on the Saturn V are considered the most powerful rocket engines every built.
What's the other technology that peaked in 1969?
The one thousands of people worked on poured in billions of dollars of research, design and engineering and we still can't beat what we did in 1969?
In every field of technical endeavor 1969 is far in the past. Except for "Space Flight."
This is your first clue that Space Flight isn't real.They tried knowing it wouldn't work, it didn't work and they faked the mission and stopped development.
2. Where are all the rocket scientists?
I can name a dozen Chemists, Physicists, Nuclear Scientists, Automotive pioneers and aeronautic inventors but when it comes to people who have built rockets that have successfully traveled in space the only name that comes to mind is Wernher von Braun. That's it. All those missions, all those rockets and only one name.
You would expect to see more names bandied about if building space rockets were a real thing. Places like M.I.T. and Caltech don't offer degrees of Doctorates in building rockets. They are supposedly man's greatest achievements and nobody wants to work with them?
Wouldn't it make the career of a scientist to build a new type of space rocket? But no smart young people waste their careers on a technology that only exists on TV and the Movies.
The smart people know rockets don't travel through the vacuum. It's actually fairly easy to prove but the post gets deleted.