Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
They, the reptilians are the reason why our world is so corrupt. Obama? He's a puppet. And of course all that i am saying, you are already aware of.
The reptilian race have many bases around the world. You have seen at least one reptilian on the media. In human form, most of the time, but not 100%. These shapeshifters are drinkers of human blood. They can fight/kill 5 men at the same time, no problem. They are behind the illuminati, cia, fbi, the media and so on. They have only one interest with us and that is to enslave us all. All the human souls they could harvest then, no problem. Think about it.
A well known book here on GLP i believe:
[link to]
As an extra, i am attaching a youtube video that i just found of Angela Merkel before and after. Take a look at what she is NOW.