"In the past, ending at WWII, Americans had high morale. This is because America has morale. This morale came only through the Holy Bible. Now that the Holy Bible has been replaced with Darwin's immoral "Origin of the Species," American morale has degenerated to the point where joining the Army to die for nothing is meaningless!"
"On the Origin of Species" was first published in 1859. Do you expect me to accept that between 1859, and 1945, there wasn't one single copy of that book by Charles Darwin in the whole of the USA; not in one single archive/library, whether municipal, school, college, university etc, right up to the Library of Congress itself?
PROTIP: There's cities in the US other than Tennessee (Scopes 'Monkey Trial' in 1925). Northern, Eastern & Western USA. Those parts of your country considered the educated, intellectual parts of the US. They had people who joined the US armed forces too.
I never heard of Atheist personnel (and by the law of averages, there must be) in the army, navy, air force & marines who had low morale. Even to this day (Iraq, Afghanistan; even US Navy crews heliping out the rebels in Libya).
Destroyed argument much, Origen?