Where we agree is that it tells us there will be many anti-christs and false prophets but only one Anti-Christ and one False Prophet.
I think Obama is one of the anti-christs, who’s deliberate actions lead the way for the Anti-Christ, I think Angela Merkel is another of the anti-christs. They are being helped by the actual False Prophet as I see him, the Heretic “Pope” Francis.
I’m aware that a strong candidate for the Final Kingdom with the 10 heads/Kings (10 leaders) is a pared down EU, from 28 members to 10 members as a final resurrection of The Holy Roman Empire, historically a political-religious Empire, the religious side being directed from The Vatican, the harlot who rides the Beast.
I’ve just finished reading yet another book about The Holy Roman Empire in prophecy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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